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Loyalty Program

Preferred Patron is a customer loyalty system that integrates with ProfitSystem.


Preferred Patron lets you set up rewards based on point tiers. Customers earn points by spending money at the store. The points can then be redeemed for rewards, such as store credits. For example, a common rewards program might be:

Pts Offer Value
200 $10 store credit
300 $20 store credit
400 $25 store credit
750 $50 store credit
900 $75 store credit
1,000 $100 store credit

ProfitSystem automatically sends payment amounts to Preferred Patron and Preferred Patron adds points to a customers account. The point total is maintained automatically at Preferred Patron.

When accepting a payment from a customer, ProfitSystem will contact Preferred Patron to see if any rewards are available. If so, a button will be displayed on the tender screen showing a reward is available.

Clicking the button will display a list of rewards earned. All awards available are shown, but only earned rewards can be selected.

Clicking on a reward will add it to the payments, and when the ticket is saved the points will be deducted from the customers account.

Getting started

  1. Sign up for an account at
  2. They will provide three integration details: Client ID, Username, and Password
  3. In ProfitSystem, go to Housekeeping->General Setup->Stores or on the menu Setup->General Setup->Stores.
  4. On the Credit Card/Gift Card tab, enter the Client ID, Username, and Password in the Preferred Patron setup.
  5. Click Save, then quit from ProfitSystem and restart it.
  6. ProfitSystem is now linked to Preferred Patron and will accumulate points as payments are taken.


Points are accumulated for the following ProfitSystem tender types:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Visa/Mastercard/Payment on Terminal
  • Discover
  • Other Credit Cards
  • American Express
  • ECheck
  • Optima
  • Debit

Payments made using loyalty points will show on the Payments Detail report, the Payments by Rent/Sale report, and the Revenue Report.