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System Setup General time Clock

Action: SETUP


Don’t allow movement or resizing of forms...In a Windows environment, any displayed form can normally be moved, resized, maximized, minimized, etc. When this option is checked, ProfitSystem® will prevent the movement and resizing of it’s forms. This can prevent an inexperienced user from accidentally moving things around.

Enhance the cursor...If checked, the active field (where the cursor is flashing) will be highlighted using the color specified in the Register setup

Beep when searching and entry not found...When checked, ProfitSystem® will beep and display a short message if a name or number is not located when the user is using a search field on any of the List tabs in ProfitSystem®.

Don’t show printer options dialog when printing?...Normally, when a report is printed and the user selects Printer versus Screen or Disk, the user has the option to select the destination Windows printer. If this option is checked the report will go directly to the ProfitSystem defined report printer (as set on the PSETUP form) without displaying the printer selection dialog.

Don’t allow credit card to be saved…ProfitSystem® with the optional credit card integration software module has the option to save the customer’s credit card number, expiration and billing address. This is useful when the customer OKs a payment when not in the store. The operator can simple recall the information and re-use it for the new payment. Enabled the credit card information will not be saved and must be re-entered each time.

Don’t ask for invoice number on stock PO receive …ProfitSystem normally prompts for the vendors invoice number when a stock PO is received, and that invoice number is stores in the Receive History. If this option is checked ProfitSystem will not prompt for the invoice number.

Don’t update cost/price on stock PO receive…Enabled will allow system to automatically update the reorder cost (if different on PO) and compute a new retail price during the receive stock order process.

Don’t prompt user to confirm date at startup…If enabled ProfitSystem™ will NOT ask the first user starting the ProfitSystem™ application to confirm the accounting date. Normally, as ProfitSystem is started it checks the computer date and compares it to the last date when ProfitSystem was run. If the date has changed, ProfitSystem asks the user to confirm the date. This prevents a problem where one of the computers on a LAN has the computer date set incorrectly. In that case, ProfitSystem detects that the date has changed and asks the user to confirm it, and the user will notice the date is incorrect and fix it. With this setting enabled, ProfitSystem will automatically use the computer date as the accounting date with no user confirmation required. Consequently, this setting is normally only used in a controlled computer environment, such as a terminal server.

Require registers to be opened and closed...If checked you will have to close each register within the store each night, and re-open it the next day. If un-checked, ProfitSystem® will only ask you to confirm the date the first time you open the program each day.

Close and open all registers together...When checked, ProfitSystem® will automatically close all registers and the store when any register is closed. ProfitSystem® will also open all the registers and the store as soon as any register is opened.

Enable Australian tax-inclusive pricing and phone numbers?...This option is used when sales tax is to be included directly in sales prices and not disclosed separately to the customer. When checked ProfitSystem no longer display the sales tax separately on the receipt. The sales tax will be automatically rolled into the selling price of an item. On the ticket form the sales tax subtotal will no loner appear and the selling price in the grid will include the sales tax. In the detail section of the ticket form the sales tax will still be shown separately. Also, the sales tax will be automatically included in the price on the style code lookup. On the retail inventory form (RETLINV) the sales price with tax and without tax will be shown separately. Also, phone numbers will be formatted automatically for Australia.ProfitSystem© has special support Australian users. When checked, the following changes occur in ProfitSystem:

  • ProfitSystem will modify the phone format to XX-YYYY-ZZZZ.
  • Tax will be included (tax inclusive) in the selling price on the sales ticket and when the system displays the selling price options,i.e. Price 1 or Price 2, on a sales ticket..
  • Cents will be rounded to the nearest nickel (.05).
  • The register 'Cash Calculate' function found in Register functions-> Register Totals->Cash Calculate will include all Australian currencies.
  • Tax is included on Rental/Hire Agreements

Prospect email is required to save…The prospect for contains a email address field for bride & groom. This setting, when enabled will require an entry into each before the form will be saved. A NA may be entered when the prospect does not have an email address.

Require prospect when an appointment is completed?... Only applicable if using the Appointment Integration. When checked, ProfitSystem® will force an appointment to be linked to a prospect when you hit the Complete button on the appointment form.

Show Print button on RETLINV form...If checked, ProfitSystem® will display the Print button on the Retail Inventory form, used to print tags for a style code. Normally, this button is hidden since most users print tags from the Retail Sizes form.

Automatically create revenue accounts for new Inventory Categories...If checked, each time you add a new inventory category, ProfitSystem® will create an accounting class, GL account number, and line item on the Revenue Report. This means that you will get a revenue line on the revenue report for each inventory category automatically. Keep in mind that as you create new inventory categories, you will need to go into the accounting class to mark whether it is taxable, pays commissions and allows price changes. If you want to manually create accounting classes and configure the revenue report, uncheck this option. Most shops leave this option checked.

Hide sizes statistics and prices for performance?...When checked, ProfitSystem will not display the MTD, YTD, and life sales figures on the Retail Sizes form initially. This will cause the form to appear more quickly. A checkbox will appear on the form that will allow you to see the statistics if you like.

Make sequence numbers store specific?...Only applicable if using the ProfitSystem Multi-Store Integration. If checked, ProfitSystem will generate ID numbers in sequence for each store. For example, the first ticket created in store #100 will get sequence number 100-1. The second ticket will have number 100-2. The first ticket created in store #200 will get number 200-1. If this option is not checked, ProfitSystemwould generate ID 200-3 for store #200.

Add dash after store ID in sequence numbers...ProfitSystem® puts the store ID in front of all sequence numbers is generates. If this option is checked, ProfitSystem® separates the two with a dash. You would use this option if you need to guarantee that the sequence numbers generated by ProfitSystem® are unique from store to store. Applicable if you have the multi store module.

Example: Store ID is 01, sequence number is 100: 01-100

No store ID or dash in style codes?…If ProfitSystem® is set to generate style codes (option below) this option controls whether or not ProfitSystem put the store ID and dash in those generated style codes. Don’t allow direct price changes to inventory…If enabled the system will automatically compute retail price #1 from the reorder cost, cost factor & Plus information entered on the inventory record. The reorder cost, retail factor and Plus information CAN be modified by the operator. When enabled the Inventory Maintenance – Mass Update feature can be used to modify retail selling price # 1 when costs or retail price changes are needed.

Generate sequential style codes for new inventory…If checked, ProfitSystem® will generate sequential style codes for new retail inventory items. Otherwise you must create a method for assigning store style codes to your inventory.

Require reason when changing QOH?... This setting applies to manually modifying the quantity on hand for an inventory style from the inventory SCW form. When a user manually modifies the quantity on handy by changing a Receive History entry the system will log the modification and optionally prompt for a reason by providing a text box whereby the user may type in the circumstances of the change.

Allow editing of accounting classes...If enabled, the ProfitSystem© account numbers can be changed. Normally, ProfitSystem automatically creates ProfitSystem© account numbers and accounting classes as Inventory categories are created, so there is no need to edit them directly. Changing these numbers incorrectly can cause erroneous revenue/tax postings, so they should only be changed by users with a complete understanding of the ProfitSystem© financial posting and revenue process.

Enable Picture Perfect style lookup...If enabled, a lookup button will appear next to the vendor style code on the Retail Inventory form. When entering a new style, first enter a vendor style and click the lookup button to check the Picture Perfect data warehouse the entered vendor style. If the vendor style is found, the style details and images will be filled in automatically.

Do not automatically run payment plans?..If enabled, payment plans must be run manually using the option on the Register Functions switchboard, or the Process Payment Plans option on the Sales menu. This would be used if you want control over when payment plans are run, instead of payment plans being automatically run first thing each day.


Default gender when adding new customer... When adding a new customer the customer gender is important for proper size/measurement headings. Choose Male, Female or Automatic. Automatic is utilized for ProfitSystem (bridal) installations. Automatic will default to the FEMALE gender for new customers.

Ship to address for PO's.. Can be set to Issue store or Sale store and controls which address will print on the purchase order. The sale store is the store where the sale was originally rung up. The issue store is where the purchase order was issued.

Apply vendor discount to cost on special orders?... This is a option that affects cost and margin calculations on reports. When adding an item to inventory, a option exists to enter a vendor prompt pay discount. Checked, this option will apply the prompt payment discount to the item's cost when it is sold irregardless if it is sold from stock or special ordered. ALL reports that display cost of sales will now will reflect cost less this prompt payment discount. Enabling or disabling this option is NOT retroactive, meaning past cost of sales figures are not affected.

Disable Sharing Store credits across event... checked, a store credit found on any member of the an event cannot be used to pay on a ticket by another member of the same event. Un-checked the credit can be used by any other member of the same event which is helpful when brides or mothers make a large payment given her a store credit so a portion of it may be applied to members as they register in the event.

Use average unit value for stock sale cost, instead of unit cost from Receive History?...For a stock sale, which is status IN or TAKEN, the program can use the Average Unit Value or the Unit Cost from the Receive History. If this is checked, then it will use the Average Unit Value. If not, it will use the unit cost from the Receive History.

Do not auto-start CM, it must be manually started?...The CM program will automatically start with the first workstation opened. If the CM program is manually started a different way (such as the startup group) then this option can be checked which will disable the auto-start.

Time Clock

Use fingerprint reader for time clock...If checked, ProfitSystem® will use a fingerprint reader for time clock in and clock out. Only applicable if you have the fingerprint reader integration.

Use fingerprint reader for all logins except time clock...If checked, ProfitSystem® will use a fingerprint reader for all logins instead of prompting for passwords, except for time clock in and clock out. Only applicable if you have the fingerprint reader integration.

Show time as decimal on time clock reports...When displaying time worked, show it as fractions of an hour, rather than hours and minutes. For example: 8 hours and 45 minutes would show as 8.75.

Round to x minutes on time clock reports...When displaying time in the time clock, round to the nearest x minutes. This setting will cause the time to be rounded up or down to the nearest number.

For example: If x is 15, and the clock in time is 2:25pm, the time will round forward and display as 2:30pm or if the clock in time is 2:20pm it would round back and display as 2:15pm.

User can review and print time card at clock in/out... Enabled, the user can choose to print or review their time card or review their clock in/out history when they actually perform a clock in or out.

Special Alert Wav file…WinTPS feature. Some production management events will cause an alert message to appear on the screen. Optionally a sound can play thru the computers sound card and speakers to grab the operator attention. Any so8nd file in the Windows WAV format can be played for alerts. Type in the path and file name or use the BROWSE button to navigate to the file and select it.

Prompt for SA when appointment changed?...When an appointment is changed, the program can require an SA and password to be entered, to log exactly who is making the change. If this is checked, it will require an SA and password before the changes can be saved. If this is unchecked, it will still log the change, but will not prompt for an SA and password. Changes are logged to key type APPTEDIT.