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Sales Frequency Report

This is a special report only enabled for certain customers.

Sales Frequency Report


One or more categories

Limit report to one of the following: * Skus with QOH? * Skus received from date1 to date2, stock only * Skus received from date1 to date2, stock and special order * Sort options * Vendor + Frequency high to low * Vendor + Frequency low to high * Total sold high to low * Total sold low to high

Report will print one row per size/color


Style: ProfitSystem store style

H: If QOH present for the style display *

Vendor: Vendor code

Vend style: Vendor style

Freq: The newest of Discontinue/Returned to vendor/Sold/Donated dates minus the receive date, divided by units sold

Units Sold: Unit sold in the date range selected

Pr: Interest from prospect

Last Sold: The last date the style was sold

Recv.: Taken from receive history for stock, PO item for special orders

Disc.: Is the discontinue date from style code

Returned: Returned to vendor date from the size record

Stock Sold date: The date the style was sold off the rack if sold from stock

Donated: The discard date from the size record

Sample Cost: The unit cost from the receive history

Reord Cost: The reorder cost from style

Alt price: The retail 1 price

Margin: The current gross profit computed by the Alt Pri column minus the Reord Cost column divided by the Alt Pri column

Sz: The size of SKU if there is a size assigned.