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Receipts By Associate Report

Action: RP_REVSA

This report breaks down the payments/monies received for sales made by each sales associate (indicated by their code being in SA1 or SA2 or SA3 on a sales ticket. If a customer has made a payment towards a sale, regardless of whether the revenue has been realized for an item, the payment will appear on this report.


Sold between xxx and yyy...Only payments taken between the dates specified will print. This is the accounting date. You must enter a date range.

Limit to sales associate...You can limit the report to a specific SA, if you like. Leave blank for all SA.

Limit to category...You can limit the report to a specific category, if you like. Leave blank for all categories.

Summary report only?...This option will suppress the actual payments, and just show the totals for SA.

Limit to stores...This option is available with the optional multi-store module. It will limit sales to the entered stores. Multiple store IDs may be entered separated by a comma.

Commissionable Sales only? (checkbox)...Will only include receipts to sales transaction that have a merchandise category which is marked comissionable.

Breakdown by SA? (checkbox)... By default this report groups by category of the items the payment was applied to. Checked, this setting will Group payments received by SA, then sub-group by category.