Tax Freight Audit Report
This report is an audit of specific ticket scenarios and is trying to help a User review tax errors. The report checks each ticket for transactions in the date range requested and if the ticket matches one the following TAX or FREIGHT (SHIPPING) scenarios it is included in the report with it's issue as a message.
This report is a necessary audit since the addition or removal of TAX or the sales ticket or sale of FREIGHT charges and creation of shipping requests are manual and depends on the accuracy of sales associates.
To identify a shipping freight charge the word 'FREIGHT' must appear at the beginning of the store style code, example: FreightShipping.
- SHIP OR FREIGHT BUT TAXED: Shipping or Freight charges on ticket, but sale item is taxed.
- NOT TAXED BUT NO SHIP OR FREIGHT: Sale Item is not taxed nor are there is shipping request created or FREIGHT charge on ticket
- NOT TAXED BUT TAXABLE: Sale Item is not taxed nor are there a shipping request created and it is a taxable sale
- TAXED BUT NOT TAXABLE: Sale Item is a standard non-taxable item, but a tax charge is applied.
- SHIP BUT NO FREIGHT: Sale Item has a shipping request entered but no Freight charge is added to ticket.
- FREIGHT BUT NO SHIP: Sale Item has no shipping request entered but a Freight charge is added to ticket.
- Ticket #, customer name, event name, style, size,color, ticket transaction date and message appear on the report if the transaction qualifies.
Sold between... The transaction date range of sale items that were placed on tickets. Then checks these sales for the scenarios. The system will also check all SALES of a status of IN, no matter when they are sold, to insure the tax scenarios are good.
This report should include a wide range of dates to insure all active transactions are checked, .i.e., the start date could be 2 years from the current date.
Limit to store(s)...Limits the payments listed to the stores entered (available with the multi-store integration option). Leave blank for all stores.
Sort by, Transaction date or Ticket number... Select the preferred sort order.