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Wholesale Order Entry



The Wholesale Order Entry form provides a centralized and easy to use form to provide customer service and order entry support to accounts that sub-rent rental inventory or purchase new retail inventory. Security is available for this form via the ORDRENTY setting.

This form contains business information pertinent to wholesale rental accounts ((WinTPS© wholesale support is via Accounts Receivable, an optional module), additionally easy access to each company owned store's orders is available.

This form must contain an entry for each store location owned and each wholesale account. Store's and account's information is created and maintained via the Housekeeping-> General Setup-> Stores form.

Note Service Center/Warehouse Registers (workstations) should be assigned to a Service Center/Warehouse production store/account location code that could be created in the Store/Account form and this store/account location should be set to a Pricing/Type of WHOLESALE within that form

Note Orders created to be shipped to accounts set to a Pricing/Type of WHOLESALE within the Store/Account form are defined as WHOLESALE Orders. These orders cannot be viewed by registers assigned to Store/Accounts set to a Pricing/Type of RETAIL.

The Wholesale Order Entry form is comprised of one data screen. Select the Store or Account line in the grid. The location number or location name may be searched. Click the column heading to for it to be placed in the leftmost column, thus making it the active search column.

Wholesale Account Support

This Wholesale Order Entry form will be the screen for ALL wholesale order entry and wholesale account management. The form allows existing invoices to be viewed & printed/re-printed, sales to be created, existing rental orders to be reviewed, new rental orders created and payments processed. This form becomes the central focal point for wholesale account customer service.

A user can click the New Sale, New Rental, or View Rentals button without any special security. However, it requires RESVCHNG security to click Payments or Invoice, and to make any changes to the store/account information.

Field Definitions

Store number...A unique code that identifies this store or account that is manually created by the operator.

Store name...The name of the store/account Shipping Address 1 & 2, City, State,

Zip...The shipping address of the store/account.

Bill to button... Show the selected account's billing information including address & phone numbers.

Contact name...The primary contact’s name.

Email...The primary contact email address. Double click the email address to automatically bring up your computer’s defined email client software with the email address already entered in the TO field.

Notes Button...A place to type in any information about the store or account.

Credit Card / Update Credit Card Button... With the optional integration with Payware Connect/IP Charge credit card processing software operators are able to save each account's credit cards online so they may be retrieved quickly and securely for payments.

Pricing/Type...Rental order pricing. Options are: Retail or Wholesale. Pricing is set for each item within Inventory - Details tab and the Catalog Codes (As Pictured) setup. WinTPS/TPOS allows for two rental price levels to be assigned to Inventory styles and Catalog Codes, described as Retail and Wholesale. The option selected in this field determines which price is applied to the order, Retail or Wholesale for this specific store/account.

The assumption is that Retail will be for company owned stores who typically are renting to retail customers whom will be paying via a retail ticket. Wholesale is normally considered for accounts that are invoiced for their rentals & purchases, however you may setup a store/account that will be charge at retail pricing and invoiced for the rentals/purchases. For example, the rental shop may have an relationship with a local hotel that sends employees over to rent or purchase items from time to time and wished to be invoiced for those purchases. Typically you may charge the hotel retail and provides a markdown at invoicing. This can be easily handled thru this setup.

Additional discounts may be automatically applied to invoiced store/accounts via the Markdown codes & percentages described later in this topic.

The pricing applied on an rental order is determined by the Pick-Up location entered on the rental order. NOT the location where ordered.

The retail pricing is determined by the register's store id where the retail sale was created. Store retail pricing on rentals is set via Inventory Rental Tab & Store Rental Pricing forms.

Class...The class is the field that is used to categorize stores/accounts. Classes must first be defined using housekeeping-> General Setup-> Store/Account Classes. Used with some reports and the printing of Picking Tickets.

Terms...Terms indicate how the store/account will be charged for the rental and sales transactions. Invoice, Retail Ticket or None (no financial transaction). Invoice Terms creates invoices for store/accounts that include descriptive information about prompt payment discounts & due dates (wholesale) OR Ticket creates retail sale tickets (for on-line retail stores with optional multi-store module) and REQUIRES 'Require customer cards for orders?' option to be enabled (checked).

None will not create any financial transactions (used for remote stand alone stores manually entering their own rental orders).

The terms that will create Invoices are: Cash Only (COD), COD, Net, X% EOM, Net 10 EOM, Net 30, X% net 30, X% 10 Net 30, X% 20 Net 30, Custom

WinTPS prints the payment terms on the invoice will age open balances on the Accounts Receivable Statement per the terms.

Cash Only & COD Terms will create & automatically print a invoice when any rental order shipment is processed for the store/account.

The Term None will indicate to WinTPS to NOT create a Sales Ticket & financial transation for a rental order. This is typically utilized for company owned stores where their rental orders are manually entered. This scenario is where the store is creating paper based rental orders. Operators would eventually enter the orders into WinTPS, but will not utilize it’s customer tracking capabilities.

The Term Ticket is for company stores using WinTPOS software for customer tracking. This option will create the Sales Ticket and order transaction used to process payments and additional sales.

Days...Used by WinTPS for the Custom terms option. Prints the payment term days on the invoice for the account & uses the day for aging the statements.

Discount... Used by WinTPS for the Custom and X% terms options. Prints the payment term discount on the invoice for the account.

Credit Limit... WinTPS wholesale feature that allows a maximum credit limit to be created for this account. Once created the system will monitor and not allow shipping to continue to the account if the credit limit is exceeded.

Rental markdown/Rental adj amt... The markdown code and adj. amt entered will be applied to every rental created for this store/account. The markdown will be applied when the invoice is created for the customer. The markdown code/adj amt is optional. Leave blank for no discounts.

Applies to... Options are Sales, Rentals or Both. Instructs the system to what type of invoice transactions to apply the markdown discount to.

Credit... WinTPS© wholesale feature. This is the total credits due the account. This happens when the account has paid more that what they owe. Typically it appears when an adjustment was made to an invoice that was already paid. The credit can be used via the Payments form to apply the credit to other invoice balances or given as a refund to the account. Double-clicking on this field will allow it to be edited directly.

Un-invoiced...WinTPS© wholesale feature. The total charges for all transactions that have not been invoiced. This includes future rental orders that has not been shipped.

Invoiced total...WinTPS© wholesale feature. The total amount of all invoices on file for this store/account. This total includes invoices paid as well as un-paid/open invoices.

Invoice balance...WinTPS© wholesale feature. The total amount open on invoices from the store/account.

Balance (Display only)...WinTPS© wholesale feature. This is the total amount of all rental orders and retail sales that may or may not be delivered yet. The total includes rental orders not shipped.

Total Retail purchases (Display only)...WinTPS wholesale feature. The total of all retail sales to this account since it’s creation.

YTD Retail purchases (Display only)... WinTPS wholesale feature. The total of all YTD retail sales (a year is defined as Jan 1 to Dec 31) to this account.

Last retail sale (Display only)... WinTPS wholesale feature. The last retail sales date to this account.

Total rental (Display only)... WinTPS wholesale feature. The total of all rental revenue to this account since it’s creation.

YTD rental (Display only)... WinTPS wholesale feature. The total of all YTD rental reveneue (a year is defined as Jan 1 to Dec 31) to this account.

Last rental (Display only)...WinTPS wholesale feature. The last rental order created for this account.


New Sale button... This feature will create a new sales transaction for this account and allow any inventory item(s) to be sold. A receipt/pulling document may be printed for warehouse personnel to use to ship the items OR the item may be marked to be shipped via the integrated Shipping module. The next invoice printed will be include the sales transactions on the invoice. Access may be limited this function via the NEWSALE security action.

New Rental button... This feature will create a new rental order for this account. It will display the Order Entry form defaulting the Pickup location to the selected store/account. Review the rental Order Entry topics for more information on the order entry forms. By default the system will create a new rental order for any new orders created. A user may manually enter a order alphanumeric number for new wholesale orders when the Main-> Housekeeping-> General Set-up-> System Set-up->Production tab-> User must enter rental order number on wholesale orders? is enabled.

Rentals by Pickup... Filters all orders to where the selected store has been entered as the pickup location. Orders displayed may be limited/filtered by criteria located across the top of form to help quickly find a specific order.

Buttons on View Rentals Form

Print...Prints a rental receipt/agreement for the selected rental order.

Print Pick Ticket...Prints a production ticket for the selected rental order

Delete...Deletes the selected rental order.

Add Same...Creates a new rental order by copying data from the highlighted order, like styles.

Add...Creates a new blank rental order.

Done...Exits and returns to the previous form.

Hint: REMEMBER to re-set the store number when any of the filter conditions are changed at the top of screen, so if you ask for status SHIPPED BACK make sure you set the store ID too, otherwise all orders for all stores/accounts will be displayed.

Rentals by Bill-to... Filters to all orders that are invoiced to the selected store/account. Orders are invoiced once they are shipped.

Invoices button... WinTPS wholesale feature. Will display the Invoice form showing invoices for this account. This form is comprised of a List - tab and Details - tab. Double clicking a invoice number on the List -tab will display the Detail tab with transactions that comprise the charges.

Detail - tab Buttons

View Ticket...Will display the ticket that contains the highlighted transaction for review or where the operator may make adjustments, i.e. increase/decrease the charge or to cancel the transaction.

View Order...Select a rental transaction first. This button will display the rental order that created the rental transaction.

Common Buttons

Re-Print Invoice...Will re-print the invoice of the selected invoice.

Print Statement...Will print a statement of open invoices for the account. The operator can enter a transaction cutoff date that will only include transactions with a date equal to or before the entered date.

Invoice Utilities...A menu appears with a set of functions that affect invoices. These should be used in specific situations under the direction of BBL support.

Link Line Items...Tickets contain the transactions that compose a invoice. All transaction on the same ticket should be assigned to the same invoice. In a circumstance where some ticket transactions appear on a different invoice number this utility will make all transactions the same invoice number. This utility insures all line items are on the same invoice by taking the invoice number assigned to the first ticket transaction and making the remaining transactions the same.

Link Ticket...Assign a selected ticket with it's transactions to the selected invoice.

Re-Calc Line Items...Recomputes the displayed invoice total.

Change Account... Assign the selected invoice to a different Store/Account.

Cancel...Exits and returns to the previous form.

Delete...Will delete the invoice & clear the invoice on the transactions that it was assigned to. The next time a new invoice is created for the store/account, the transactions will be included on the new invoice. The transactions may be adjusted by visiting the ticket that contains them.

Done...Exits and returns to the previous form.

Note WinTPS© shows the packing slip number in the Code column on the Details tab of the Invoice form.

Payments button... WinTPS© wholesale feature. Will display the payment tendered form and allow a tender type and payment amount to be entered.

The Invoice is a document representing charges to wholesale accounts. The charges are tickets that hold the cost for rental orders. There is one ticket to each rental order and a invoice can contain multiple tickets.

Once the amount of the payment is entered a list of open invoices will be displayed. Select the invoices to apply the payment to.

An overpayment on in invoice will result in a store credit for the account in question. The store credit can be applied to a future invoice. When making an overpayment, be sure to apply the overpayment to an invoice. ProfitSystem will not allow the payments form to be closed until the entire payment (including overpayment) is applied to an invoice.

Done button...Exits the form and returns to the previous screen.