Send to Laundry
This feature will change the status of all or by Batch/Bag number items with a Wait Laundry status to Laundry and print a report of all the items with Laundry status grouped by batch/bag number.
Items returned from customers via Return by Item or Return by Order may be assigned a Wait Laundry status. The status is determined by the Return to status setting in the Store/Account form for each retail store or wholesale account.
All bags/items that are Wait Laundry...WinTPS will process all items with a status of Wait Laundry.
All bags with no bag/batch number... WinTPS will process all items with a status of Wait Laundry, and that have no bag/batch number assigned. A bag/batch number can be optionally assigned during the return process.
Single bag/batch...Used when only one bag/batch is to be sent to laundry. In this case, a bag/batch number must be specified.
Item Type...If an item type is selected then only matching item types will be sent to the laundry.
Launder button... Prompts for a bag/batch number and changes Wait Laundry status of items selected to Laundry and prints a Laundry report of the items sent to Laundry this time by batch/bag number. Laundry Batch/Bag Reports may be reprinted by the Laundry Report. Every item sent to laundry is assigned to the bag/batch number entered, even if it already had a bag/batch number.
Cancel button... Exits the form and does not change any statuses.