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Check Overbookings



This function will display rental inventory items where a inventory shortage (overbooking) exists, i.e. more quantity is needed for orders assembled in the period than exists within inventory. The system considers each order's inventory requirement for the entire time period it is needed,i.e. order's assembly date to back date.

WinTPS will not allow the Assembly & Back date on a rental order to be more than 42 days apart. The Check Overbookings module will complain and display the order numbers of orders that have dates more than 42 days. It will ignore those orders in it's processing and display the order numbers to the operator if any are found, EACH time the Check Overbookings is ran.

Each day ProfitSystem is started it extends the backdate to the current system date for past due orders, i.e. orders with a backdate in prior to the current system date. This could change your production inventory requirements since the system was expected the late order(s) inventory to be available for the production of current orders. The Check Overbookings function also allows an operator to view AND edit orders that contain overbooked items in the assembly date range entered. The sub-rental order requirement may be reduced since some overbooked styles and/or sizes may be substituted for other items. WinTPS provides the tools in this form to manage the entire process. Inventory quantities of items on orders within the production assembly date range entered on the this form are considered Unavailable for fulfilling new order quantities unless it marked as being sub-contracted (not our inventory) OR the items has one of the following order statuses assigned:

  • Cancelled
  • Returned
  • Wait Confirm
  • Laundry
  • Wait Laundry
  • Missing Sizes
  • Done

See How to handle Overbookings for more information.


The user will enter a assembly date range & clicksearch.

Note BBL suggests the assembly date period entered covers the normal time period that rentals are shipped and returned, say Tuesday to Monday (weekly period) as an example.

Each style/size combination being assembled within the date range that is overbooked will be displayed. An item is overbooked when the quantity owned plus the sub-rented quantity scheduled to be on-hand is not enough for the orders.

The OVERBOOKED qty column displays the highest overbooked quantity for a single date within the assembly range entered. The operator may select an item within the grid and display the orders that fall within the time period for the opportunity of making substitutions on those orders.

Finally, the user can make a decision for each item to sub-rent the additional inventory required. The operator would enter the quantity to sub rent in the Sub-rent qty column for all style/sizes listed and click the Sub-Rent button. Sub Rent Order processing is performed from the View Sub Orders form and the user is automatically taken to the form by clicking the sub-rent button.

The program first makes a short list of all the orders to be assembled in the assembly date range. This is the list shown if you click 'Orders To Assemble' It then make a list of all the styles and sizes that need to be assembled for those orders.

This creates the In Asm qty. Then, it looks for other orders that also use those same styles and sizes, where the other orders will be out during the time those styles and sizes are needed. These are the orders that will limit the number of styles/sizes you will have on hand. For each style and size, it computes the first assembly date from these orders, and the last back date to create the In Use date range. This is the date range it uses when it computes how many style/sizes will be available for assembly of the orders. This quantity is the In Use column.

The Owned quantity is simply how many are in inventory and marked as available for rental right now. Now, it can compute the overbook quantity as In Use - In Asm. If the number is less than zero, that's the quantity of the overbook.


Assembly date between... Enter the assembly date range of the orders to be checked for overbookings.

Show stock orders? Checkbox... Enabled, the system will search purchase orders for POs containing the overbooked styles and sizes. When any POs are found the system will display the quantity on open orders. This helps the operator to determine if they should sub-rent a overbooked style/size. This option increases processing time. This option adds a new 'On Order' column to the grid that will total the quantity of this style/size on order via a stock purchase order. For a stock order to qualify, the store style and size must match.

Search button...Searches the rental orders for the assembly date range entered and displays the total overbookings as a roll-up or daily, based on the checkbox.

Search for...Allows a particular style to be found within the grid. Enter the style code and the system will perform a incremental search.

Show overbooked only?...By default, only overbooked styles are shown. If this is unchecked, then all styles need for assembly during the selected date range are shown. The Overbook columns will instead show a positive number for overbooked styles, and a negative number if there is sufficient inventory to assemble the all the styles/sizes needed for the assembly date range selected.

Header buttons

Sub-Rent all button...Will auto-fill in the Sub Rent Qty column of the grid with the quantity shown as overbooked in the Overbooked field after the search button is clicked.

Sub-Rent None button...Will reverse the order all button and replace all the Sub Rent Qty column with zero.


There is one row per style and size that needs to be assembled for the assembly date range selected.

Style...The style code of a overbooked item.

Size...The size of the overbooked item.

Overbook/-Covered...The difference between what is available in rental inventory and the number appearing on orders for the assembly dates entered (total avail - total to asm). A positive number means the style/size is overbooked and needs to be supplemented via purchase or sub-rental. A negative number means the style/size can be covered with inventory.

Sub Rent Qty...Manually enter the number of items to sub-rent in this column.

Need... The total number of items that need to be assembled during the In Use date range. This only counts owned inventory that needs to be assembled. Sub-rented styles/sizes are not counted.

Owned...The number of items available in rental inventory.

On order... This column is only displayed if the Show Stock Orders option is checked. It shows the total quantity of this style/size on order via a stock purchase order. For a stock order to qualify, the store style and size must match.

Print...Will print an over booked report of the information contained within the grid.

Auto Sub-Rent button... Will mark the number of item(s) on orders entered as being sub-rented. For example. Suppose the business owns 12 of coat Style XYZ in size 44R. During a period the operator booked 15 orders for coat style XYZ in size 44R, leaving them overbooked by 3. Their choice is to purchase 3 more units OR to sub-rent the required quantity in from another supplier. To sub-rent, simple enter a quantity of 3 in the sub-rent field and click the Auto Sub-Rent button. WinTPS will automatically mark 3 items on orders as being sub-rented. The newest orders are marked to be sub-rented, i.e. last orders in will be marked to be sub-rented. Once the sub-rent items have been processed the operator may click View Sub-Orders to see the orders containing items to be Sub-Rented. From that form the sub-rent vendor may be optionally assigned and confirmations numbers added by the perator allowing for detail tracking & sub-rental vendor usage information.

Select Sub-Rent button... Automatically displays the View Sub-Orders form. The forms grid will contain ALL the orders for the entered assembly date range and allows a operator to choose the orders and inventory items to be sub-rented. Any ordered within the date range may be selected.

Show Orders button... Will display all the orders that must be assembled within the assembly date range that contain the style & size of the selected item. * The Show Orders form can be filtered for: * In Use: The style and size selected is In Use on these orders during the Assembly date range selected on the Overbook form * Overbooked: The most recently entered order(s) that contain the style and size that is overbooked * To Assemble: The orders with Asm/Ship dates during the Assembly date range selected on the Overbook form

Done button...Exits the form and saves any changes.