Label Designer
The label designer is a WYSIWYG editor & lets the user make changes to the layout of garment tags, pickup tags, and mailing labels. You can add text to your labels, or add other fields. The Label designer is an advanced feature and requires a good understanding of graphical concepts and program logic. BBL is available on a consulting basis to help design & create the desired output. To change the contents of a field on the label, double-click on the field. The Report Expression dialog appears. You can then change the field name to the new one. Here are of the more common field names and their meaning. Within this topic is a explanation of a few of the more common field values customers like to print on tags. Also within this topic are some program logic explanations.
Program logic Notes: If you are printing a character type field (TYPE is C), you can add text to the field by typing:
This only works on C TYPE fields.
If you are printing a dollar amount, type the following in the Format field:
This will put a dollar sign to the left of the value, and round to two decimal places.
You can also use the following format to print a dollar amount with text:
'RETAIL PRICE '+ALLTRIM(TRANSFORM(ssmkdnretl1, '$$$,$$$.99'))
In this case, you don’t need to use the $$$,$$$.99 format.
Some shops like to include a code that represents the receive date of the item being printed and the real vendor style. This logic will print the 1st 3 characters of a vendor style number, then the last 2 digits of the year, then the month, then the remaining characters for the vendor style # if any. example :
vendor style ABCDEFG last received 09/25/2007.
The code printed on the tag would be ABC0709DEFG. The program logic is:
LEFT(SIMANSTYLE, 3) + RIGHT(TRANSFORM(YEAR(GetLastRecvDate(sistylecode))), 2) + TRANSFORM(MONTH(GetLastRecvDate(sistylecode)), '@[email protected] 99') + SUBSTR(SIMANSTYLE, 4)
Most common bar-code types printed on labels/tags. The first is BC 3 of 9. This type is good for codes that will contain letters (A – Z and 0 – 9) & numbers. This barcode type is a larger type. The second is Interleave 2 of 5. This type can only print an even number of numbers (0 –9), i.e. 99, 9999, 9999 …etc up to 12 digits. This type can print a very small barcode.
For 3 of 9 codes use the font called BC C39 3 to 1 HD Wide, regular font style and 42 points. The maximum length of barcode is 12 characters for a 4” wide tag/label. Put an “*” before and after a barcode:
For Interleave 2 of 5 codes use the font called BCI25 Medium, regular font style and 12 points. This can produce a small barcode The maximum length of barcode is 12 numeric characters (0 – 9, no spaces or hyphens) and must have an even number of digits. ProfitSystem® will not print a barcode if the data being printed is invalid for this barcode type.
QR codes can be printed for any alphanumeric information. The most common use is to include a URL to information about the product. The Profit System has a E-commerce URL field on the Retail inventory form. This is filled in automatically when the inventory item is uploaded to BigCommerce. Also, the field can be filled in manually. To print a QR code, add a Picture/OLE bound control to the label and set the Control source type to 'Expression or variable name' For the Control source, use
This will create a QR code for the SIECOMMURL field, which is the e-commerce URL for the style. Any inventory field can be substituted for the SIECOMMURL.
Worth Data Tricoder Alert
The smallest tag readable by the Tricoder’s scanner is a I2of5 medium, regular font, set to 5 point size. It must be dark & clear enough for the read. If he scanner cannot read the bar-code adjust the printer’s heat setting & speed settings via the print driver (when using a thermal printer like a Zebra) and test until you are able to read the bar-code. Please test before printing large quantities.
Bar-code Note: Bar-code scanners from multiple vendors will have different read characteristics. The bar-codes produced from ProfitSystem® should be tested with the reader being used for compatibility. It may require some trial & error testing with different barcode densities and point sizes before they may be read. Do this testing prior to printing a large number of bar-code tags.
BBL has created special functions for some information to make it as easy as possible for the data to be placed on tags & labels. Use these special functions in place of a field name. You can only use the function on the tag/labels shown after Usage.
- GetCustName(PVCUSTNUM): Print customer name from pickup inventory
- GetCustName(CUCUSTNUM): Print customer name from customer
- GetEvDate(PVEVENTNUM): Print the event date for pickup inventory.
- GetVendorName(SIVENDNO): Print vendor name from inventory
- GetVendorName(PVVENDNUM): Print the vendor name for pickup inventory.
- GetEventBride (PVEVENTNUM): Print the bride name for pickup inventory.
- GetEventName(PVEVENTNUM): Print the event name for pickup inventory.
- GetCustInfo(PVCUSTNUM, [customer field name]): Print any customer info on a pickup tag.
GetTableInfo()...Prints any data from any table. This is a special purpose function that takes four parameters: table name, tag name, key value, field to return. It goes to the record identified by the key value using the index tag named, in the specified table. It then evaluates the field to return and returns that value.
For example: GetTableInfo('CUSTOMER', 'CUSTNUM', PVCUSTNUM, 'CUHOMEPHON') will return the customers home phone number, using the customer number from the pickup inventory table.
For example: GetTableInfo('ACCTCLAS', 'NAME', SIACCTCLASS, 'ATREVENUE') will return the revenue GL account number for a style code.
For example: GetTableInfo('CUSTTYPE', 'TYPE', GetTableInfo('PROSPECT', 'CUSTNUM', PVCUSTNUM , 'PRCUSTTYPE') , 'CTDESC') will return the description for the prospect type for the prospect what was used to create the customer for a pickup inventory item.
For example GetTableInfo('sinvmast', 'stylecode', PVSTYLECODE, 'sinvmast.SIINTSTYLE') will return the Internet Style number from the inventory table.
For example, to print original SA on PickupTag; GetTableInfo('tickitem', 'ITEMNUM', pickinv.pvitemnum, 'tickitem.TIEMPNUM2')
GetBalance()...Prints the ticket or line item balance for a purchase order item. For example: GetBalance(PVITEMNUM, .T.) will return the total balance for the ticket for that pickup inventory item.
For example: GetBalance(PIITEMNUM, .F.) will return the balance only for the PO item.
ShortColors()...Color fields can contain up to 4 colors, separated by spaces. This function will print all four colors in a shortened format. Each color is separated by a /. For example,. the colors might be WHITE IVORY CYAN. Shortened would be WHITE/IVORY/CYAN.
- Pickup inventory: ShortColors(PVCOLOR)
Retail Inventory: ShortColors(SSCOLOR)
For retail inventory 1 thru 4 GetColorName(SIMANSTYLE, 1, [vendor number])
Get a color GetColorByNum([color field], [1-4])
For pickup inventory: GetColorByNum(PVCOLOR, 1)
Store name: oApp.icStoreName
Fields from the Retail Inventory form
Style code | SISTYLECODE | C | 25 |
Manufacturer style | SIMANSTYLE | C | 15 |
Internet Style | SIINTSTYLE | C | 15 |
Stocked in store? | SISTOCKED | L | 0 |
Description | SIDESC | C | 30 |
Advertised | SIADVERTISED | L | 0 |
Location in store | SILOCATION | C | 10 |
Comments | SICOMMENTS | C | 40 |
Comment 2 (Notes) | SINOTES | M | UNLIMITED |
Vendor number | SIVENDNO | C | 10 |
Date discontinued | SIDISCONTINUED | D | 0 |
Accounting class | SIACCTCLASS | C | 10 |
Inventory class | SIINVCLASS | C | 10 |
Inventory sub-class | SINVSUBC | C | 10 |
Date received | ISDATERECV | D | 0 |
Reorder quantity | ISREORDQTY | N | 0 |
Manufacturers discount (%) | ISMANDISC | N | 0 |
Retail factor % | ISRETLFACT | N | 0 |
Retail factor plus $ | ISRETLFACTPLUS | N | 0 |
Spiff amount | ISSPIFFAMT | N | 0 |
Spiff type | ISSPIFFTYPE | C | 6 |
Activity | ISACTIVITY | N | 0 |
Retail price 1. Base sales price of the item. | ISRETAIL1 | N | 0 |
Retail price 2. Base sales price of the item. | ISRETAIL2 | N | 0 |
Markdown retail price 1. Retail price 1 including any promotional, markdowns & extra charge base price modifications. | SSMKDNRETL1 | N | 0 |
Markdown retail price 2. Retail price 2 including any promotional, markdowns & extra charge base price modifications. | SSMKDNRETL2 | N | 0 |
SSRETAIL1/2 & SSMKDNRETL1/2 are tax inclusive when used with the 'Include tax with price, system setting". | |||
MTD Sold 1 | ISMTDSOLD1 | N | 0 |
MTD Sold 2 | ISMTDSOLD2 | N | 0 |
MTD revenue | ISMTDREV | N | 0 |
MTD cost of sales | ISMTDCOSTSALES | N | 0 |
YTD sold 1 | ISYTDSOLD1 | N | 0 |
YTD sold 2 | ISYTDSOLD2 | N | 0 |
YTD revenue | ISYTDREV | N | 0 |
YTD cost of sales | ISYTDCOSTSALES | N | 0 |
Total sold 1 | ISTOTSOLD1 | N | 0 |
Total sold 2 | ISTOTSOLD2 | N | 0 |
Life revenue | ISTOTREV | N | 0 |
Life cost of sales | ISTOTCOSTSALES | N | 0 |
Season code | ISSEASON | C | 10 |
Cost factor | ISCOSTFACT | N | 0 |
Cost creator | ISCOSTCREATOR | C | 5 |
Date last sold | ISLASTSOLD | D | 0 |
Last sold to store | ISLASTACCT | C | 15 |
Last invoice | ISLASTINVOICE | C | 15 |
Size chart | ISSIZECHART | C | 10 |
Color chart | ISCOLRCHART | C | 10 |
Width chart | ISWDTHCHART | C | 10 |
Inventoried? | ISPHYSINV | L | 0 |
System defined item | SISYSTEM | L | 0 |
Allow qty to go negative | SIALLOWNEG | L | 0 |
Qty on hand | SIQTYONHAND | N | 0 |
Sample cost | SISAMPLECOST | N | 0 |
Reorder cost | SIREORDERCOST | N | 0 |
E-commerce URL | SIECOMMURL | C | 254 |
Modified | SIMODIFIED | L | 0 |
Fields from the Retail Sizes form
Style code | SSSTYLECODE | C | 25 |
Size | SSSIZECODE | C | 7 |
Color (4 colors) | SSCOLOR | C | 10 |
Specific Color 1,2,3 or 4 | GetColorByNum(sscolor, X) X = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 | ||
All colors trimmed | ShortColors(sscolor) | ||
Width | SSWIDTH | C | 10 |
SKU | SSSKU | C | 20 |
User/Barcode ID number | SSUSERID | C | 20 |
UPC code | SSUPC | C | 13 |
Qty on hand | SSQTYONHAND | N | 0 |
MTD sold | SSMTDSOLD | N | 0 |
YTD sold | SSYTDSOLD | N | 0 |
Total sold | SSTOTSOLD | N | 0 |
Date last received | SSDATERECV | D | 0 |
Reorder quantity | SSREORDQTY | N | 0 |
Reorder cost | SSREORDRCOST | N | 0 |
Cost of sample | SSSAMPLECOST | N | 0 |
Retail price 1. The markdown retail price 1 from the retail inventory including extra charges for sizes/colors. | SSRETAIL1 | N | 0 |
Retail price 2. The markdown retail price 2 from the retail inventory including extra charges for sizes/colors. | SSRETAIL2 | N | 0 |
Markdown retail price 1 | SSMKDNRETL1 | N | 0 |
Markdown retail price 2 | SSMKDNRETL2 | N | 0 |
MTD revenue | SSMTDREV | N | 0 |
MTD cost of sales | SSMTDCOSTSALES | N | 0 |
YTD revenue | SSYTDREV | N | 0 |
YTD cost of sales | SSYTDCOSTSALES | N | 0 |
Life revenue | SSTOTREV | N | 0 |
Life cost of sales | SSTOTCOSTSALES | N | 0 |
Last sold | SSLASTSOLD | D | 0 |
Fields from the Prospect form
Prospect number | PRPROSNUM | C | 15 |
Groom's first name | PRFNAME | C | 15 |
Groom's last name | PRLNAME | C | 15 |
Groom's middle initial | PRMINIT | C | 1 |
Groom's salutation | PRSALUTATION | C | 4 |
Groom's address line 1 | PRCADDR1 | C | 30 |
Groom's address line 2 | PRCADDR2 | C | 30 |
Groom's city | PRCCITY | C | 30 |
Groom's state | PRCSTATE | C | 4 |
Groom's zip | PRCPOSTCOD | C | 10 |
Groom's country | PRCCOUNTRY | C | 20 |
Groom's home phone | PRHOMEPHO | C | 14 |
Groom's work phone | PRWORKPHO | C | 14 |
Groom's fax number | PRFAXPHO | C | 14 |
Groom's pager number | PRPAGEPHO | C | 14 |
Groom's mobile number | PRCELLPHO | C | 14 |
Groom's eMail | PREMAIL | C | 80 |
Bride's first name | PRFNAME2 | C | 15 |
Bride's last name | PRLNAME2 | C | 15 |
Bride's middle initial | PRMINIT2 | C | 1 |
Bride's salutation | PRSALUTATION2 | C | 4 |
Bride's address line 1 | PRCADDR12 | C | 30 |
Bride's address line 2 | PRCADDR22 | C | 30 |
Bride's city | PRCCITY2 | C | 30 |
Bride's state | PRCSTATE2 | C | 4 |
Bride's zip | PRCPOSTCO2 | C | 10 |
Bride's country | PRCCOUNTR2 | C | 20 |
Bride's home phone | PRHOMEPHO2 | C | 14 |
Bride's work phone | PRWORKPHO2 | C | 14 |
Bride's fax number | PRFAXPHO2 | C | 14 |
Bride's pager number | PRPAGEPHO2 | C | 14 |
Bride's mobile number | PRCELLPHO2 | C | 14 |
Bride's eMail | PREMAIL2 | C | 80 |
Event name | PREVENTNAME | C | 30 |
Event type | PRTYPE | C | 10 |
Event date | PREVNTDATE | D | 0 |
Event time | PREVNTTIME | C | 7 |
Date added | PRCREATED | T | 0 |
Notes | PRNOTES | M | 0 |
Last activity | PRLASTACT | D | 0 |
Source of prospect | PRSOURCE | C | 30 |
Next action | PRNEXTACT | C | 40 |
Date for next action | PRACTDATE | D | 0 |
Customer number | PRCUSTNUM2 | C | 15 |
Individual? | PRINDIVIDUAL | L | 0 |
Sales Associate | PREMPNUM | C | 8 |
Fields from the Pickup Inventory form
PO item number | PVITEMNUM | C | 15 |
PO number | PVPONUM | C | 15 |
Style code | PVSTYLECODE | C | 25 |
Description | PVDESC | C | 15 |
Size | PVSIZE | C | 7 |
Color | PVCOLOR | C | 10 |
Width | PVWIDTH | C | 10 |
Category | PVINVCLASS | C | 10 |
Sub-category | PVINVSUBC | C | 10 |
Event number | PVEVENTNUM | C | 15 |
Customer number | PVCUSTNUM | C | 15 |
Date in | PVDATEIN | D | 0 |
Date notified | PVDATENOTIFY | D | 0 |
Special instructions | PVSPECINST | M | 0 |
Unit cost | PVUNITCOST | N | 0 |
Extended cost | PVEXTCOST | N | 0 |
Quantity | PVQTY | N | 0 |
Due date | PVDATEDUE | D | 0 |
Vendor number | PVVENDNUM | C | 10 |
Ship? | PVSHIP | L | 0 |
Oversold | PVOVERSOLD | N | 0 |
Store number | PVACCTNUM | C | 6 |
Date of fitting | PVDATEFIT | D | 0 |
Fitting comments | PVFITCMNT | M | 0 |
Invoice number | PVINVNUM | C | 15 |
Fields from the Customer form
Customer number | CUCUSTNUM | C | 15 |
First name | CUFIRSTNAM | C | 15 |
Last name | CULASTNAME | C | 20 |
Middle name | CUMIDDLE | C | 1 |
Address line 1 | CUADDR1 | C | 20 |
Address line 2 | CUADDR2 | C | 20 |
City | CUCITY | C | 25 |
State | CUSTATE | C | 4 |
Zip | CUPOSTCOD | C | 10 |
Home phone | CUHOMEPHON | C | 14 |
Work | CUWORKPHON | C | 14 |
Fax | CUFAXPHONE | C | 14 |
Pager | CUPAGEPHON | C | 14 |
Cellular | CUCELLPHON | C | 14 |
Measured by | CUMEASBY | C | 3 |
When measured | CUMEASWHEN | T | 0 |
Alternate ID 1 | CUALTID1 | C | 30 |
Alternate ID 2 | CUALTID2 | C | 30 |
Alternate ID 3 | CUALTID3 | C | 30 |
Alternate ID 4 | CUALTID4 | C | 30 |
Comments | CUCOMMENTS | M | 0 |
Height | CUHEIGHT | C | 7 |
Weight | CUWEIGHT | C | 5 |
Coat size | CUCOATSIZE | C | 5 |
Blouse size | CUBLOUSSIZ | C | 5 |
Chest size | CUCHESTSIZ | C | 5 |
Bust size | CUBUSTSIZE | C | 5 |
Waist size | CUWAISTSIZ | C | 5 |
Hip size | CUHIPSIZE | C | 5 |
Inseam | CUINSEAM | C | 5 |
Outseam | CUOUTSEAM | C | 5 |
Overarm | CUOVERARM | C | 5 |
Neck size | CUNECKSIZE | C | 5 |
Sleve length | CUSLVELEN | C | 5 |
Shoe size | CUSHOESIZE | C | 4 |
Retail balance | CURETLBAL | N | 0 |
Rental balance | CURENTBAL | N | 0 |
Last transaction | CULASTTRANS | D | 0 |
Last rental | CULASTRENT | D | 0 |
Last retail sale | CULASTRETAIL | D | 0 |
Total rental | CUTOTRENT | N | 0 |
Total retail purchases | CUTOTRETLP | N | 0 |
YTD rental | CUYTDRENT | N | 0 |
YTD retail purchases | CUYTDRETLP | N | 0 |
Customer source | CUSOURCE | C | 10 |
Customer entered on | CUCREATED | T | 0 |
Pant size | CUPANTSIZE | C | 5 |
Shirt size | CUSHIRTSIZ | C | 5 |
Off the floor | CUOFFFLOOR | C | 5 |
Heel height | CUHEELHGHT | C | 5 |
Floor length/Hollow to hem | CUFLOORLEN | C | 5 |
Gown size | CUGOWNSIZE | C | 5 |
Birth date | CUBIRTHDATE | D | 0 |
Group | CUGROUPNUM | C | 15 |
Notes | CUNOTES | M | 0 |
Show notes when visit order | CUORDRNOTES | L | 0 |
Salutation | CUSALUTATION | C | 4 |
Unapplied payment | CUUNAPPPMT | N | 0 |
Laundry Tag – From the Rental Inventory Item
Style code | IVSTYLECODE | C | |
Size | IVSIZECODE | C | |
Serial/ID | IVSERIAL | C | |
Rentalble? | IVAVAILRENT | L | |
Comment | IVCOMMENT | C | |
Status | IVSTATUS | C | |
Retired Date | IVRETIRED | D | |
Location 1 | IVLOCATION1 | C | |
Location 2 | IVLOCATION2 | C | |
Tag Description | IVTAGDESC | C | |
Control Number | IVCONTROL | C | |
Total Revenue | IVTOTREV | N | |
YTD Revenue | IVYTDREV | N | |
MTD Revenue | IVMTDREV | N | |
Total Turns | IVTOTTURNS | N | |
YTD Turns | IVYTDTURNS | N | |
MTD Turns | IVMTDTURNS | N | |
Date entered into inventory | IVCREATED | D |
Fields from Mailing List
First Name | MMFNAME | C | 15 |
Last Name | MMLNAME | C | 15 |
Age | MMAGE | N | 2 |
Address line 1 | MMADDRESS1 | C | 30 |
Address line 2 | MMADDRESS2 | C | 30 |
City | MMCITY | C | 30 |
State | MMSTATE | C | 4 |
Zip | MMZIP | C | 10 |
Day Phone # | MMDAYPHONE | C | 14 |
Evening Phone # | MMEVEPHONE | C | 14 |
MMEMAIL | C | 80 | |
Groom's first name | MMGFNAME | C | 15 |
Groom's last name | MMGLNAME | C | 15 |
wedding date | MMWEDDDATE | D | 8 |
city of wedding location | MMWEDDCITY | C | 30 |
Fields from Fitting
Fitting number | FTFITNUM |
C | 15 |
Status | FTSTATUS |
C | 10 |
C | 8 |
Date created | FTCREATED |
D | 8 |
Date out | FTOUT |
D | 8 |
Complete | FTCOMPLETE |
D | 8 |
Cancel | FTCANCEL |
D | 8 |
Fitting comment | FTCOMMENT |
M | |
Tailor | FTTAILOR |
C | 9 |
Customer | FTCUSTNUM |
C | 15 |
Style code | FTSTYLECODE |
C | 25 |
C | 7 |
Color | FTCOLOR |
C | 40 |
Width | FTWIDTH |
C | 10 |
PIckup item number | FTITEMNUM |
C | 30 |
Desc | FTDESC | C | 50 |
Style for sale on ticket | FTTICKSTYLE | C | 25 |
Ticket number | FTTICKNUM | C | 15 |
Cost | FTCOST | N | 8 |
Due date | FTDUE | D | 8 |
Store ID | FTACCTNUM | C | 10 |