Email HTML Merge Codes
'Merge codes' can be included in HTML emails and SMS messages. These are special words that are replaced with specific pieces of information as the email is sent. These allow standard emails to be created ahead of time that are customized for the customer as they are sent.
The codes are entered directly into the email just as shown, including the case of the letters. For example, to include the brides name in a prospect email, it might look like this:
Thank you for visiting our store, BrideFirst BrideLast. We appreciate your business.
%%[expression]%% can be used as a merge code, and [expression] will be evaluated and inserted into the document. [expression] can be a table.fieldname, or a function call, etc.
Merge codes for All types
ShopName...The shop name
ShopAddr1...Shop address 1 from stores setup.
ShopAddr2...Shop address 2 from stores setup.
ShopCity...Shop city from stores setup.
ShopState...Shop state from stores setup.
ShopZip...Shop zip from stores setup.
ShopCountry...Shop country from stores setup.
ShopPhone...Shop phone from stores setup.
ShopFax...Shop fax from stores setup.
Merge codes for Prospect
BrideFirst...Brides first name.
BrideLast...Brides last name.
GroomFirst...Grooms first name.
GroomLast...Grooms first name.
ProEventDate...Prospect event date.
Merge codes for Appointment
ApptTime...Appointment date and time.
BrideFirst...Brides first name.
BrideLast...Brides last name.
GroomFirst...Grooms first name.
GroomLast...Grooms first name.
Merge codes for Customer
These codes are usually used when the source of the SMS or Email is Customer and it's being send for a customer or pickup item, etc.
CustFirst...Recipient customers first name works from Pickup form, Customer Form or Event Member tab.
CustLast...Recipient customers last name works from works from Pickup form, Customer Form, Event, or Event Member tab.
cwebkey...The web key (used for MyInfo) for the customer. It first looks for the most recent non-canceled special order and uses that ticket. If it can't find on, then it locates the most recent ticket and uses the web key from that ticket.
cbalance...The balance from the ticket using the same logic as above.
myinfolink...A link to go directly to the myinfo page for the ticket, using the logic above.
CustUnsubURL... Inserts Unsubscribe link in email and when clicked opts customer out of marketing emails. Also active when email from Event Members tab.
RentalDue...Prints the rental return due date if the merge code is printed from a rental order or it will use the most recent rental order for the customer.
RentalPickup...Rental pickup date.
The following fields are only available for email sent from the Members tab of the Event form, using the Send Email option on the drop down on the Members tab.
Merge codes for Event
These codes are normally only used with SMS/Email sent from the Member tab of the event.
RegisterURL...Inserts an web address (URL) that, when clicked, will allow the recipient to enter the members
for their event. Usually sent to the bride to register the bridesmaids. The base URL is configured on the Integration tab of the Stores/Accounts form. The ProfitSystem automatically adds URL variables as follows:
eventid=[base64 encoded event id number]
bstyle=[BM style as specified on Extra tab of event form]
bcolor=[BM color as specified on Extra tab of event form]
BMColor...Bridesmaids dress color from the Extra tab of Event form.
BM Color2 ... Bridesmaids dress color from the Extra tab of Event form.
BMStyle...Bridesmaids dress style from the Extra tab of Event form.
BMPrice...Bridesmaids dress price from the Extra tab of Event form.
BMSA...BM SA from the Event tab of the Event form.
BMDeadLine...Bridesmaid deadline date as specified on the Extra tab of the Event form.
StylePictureURL...The style picture URL for the bridesmaid dress style on the Extra tab of Event form. The URL is set on the Images tab of the Retail Inventory form. This URL would usually point to a picture of the dress on the vendors web site so the email recipient can click on it and see their dress.
SizeChartPictureURL...The size chart picture URL for the bridesmaid dress style on the Extra tab of Event form. The URL is set on the Images tab of the Retail Inventory form. This URL would usually point to size chart on the vendors web site so the email recipient can click on it to view the sizing instructions for their dress.
BrideFirst...Brides first name for the event this customer is in.
BrideLast...Brides last name for the event this customer is in.
GroomFirst...Grooms first name for the event this customer is in.
GroomLast...Grooms last name for the event this customer is in.
GroomUnsubURL... Inserts Unsubscribe link in email and when clicked opts Bride out of marketing emails. Only active when emailing from Event Registration.
BrideUnsubURL... Inserts Unsubscribe link in email and when clicked opts Groom out of marketing emails. Only active when emailing from Event Registration.
The following fields are only available for email sent from the Pickup Inventory form, using the Print/Email/SMS option on that form.
Merge codes for Pickup
PickupCategory...The category description for a pickup inventory item, if merging an SMS or Email from the pickup inventory item.
PickupDescription...The style description for a pickup inventory item, if merging an SMS or Email from the pickup inventory item.