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Customer Import


This form is used to import customers and optionally events into ProfitSystem. It can be loaded by manually entering the data or loading them from a CSV text file. To actually import the data in the grid, click Save. To import an event, the process requires a customer and customer event role defined.

Each row in the grid represents a single customer. This customer can be a member of an event, or not.

If the customer ID is used, the program will search to see if it already appears in the customer file. If so, the existing customer will be updated. Otherwise a new customer record will be created.

If the bust size is filled in, the gender will be set to female. If the coat site, then the gender is male. If neither is filled in it is set to female.

If the record contains an event date and a role, then the customer will be linked to an event. In this case: * If an event ID is included, the program will check if it appears in the file. If so, that event will be used.
* If the event ID is not found, and event is created using the event id, event date and type specified. If no type is specified, it will be a Wedding. The event name will be the customer last name if no event name is specified. Events require one customer with role before they will be imported.

If you wish to just import events, say for to load schools for Prom or balls for Mardi Gras, create the import file with

  • CustomerID = XXX
  • Customer first & Last = X
  • Role = Guest
  • Event name = West High 2018
  • Event date = 05/10/2018

for each row changing event name and date

If a balance due or taxes due is specified, a sales ticket will be created for the member. It will contain a sale of a BF style sold for the balance due, and a TF style sold for the taxes due. This lets the event reflect the actual balance due for the members.

A 'to be' imported customer record may include a customer ID. When multiple customer records contain the same customer ID, the system will not add-tme each as a customer but update any existing customer records with the same customer id. There will only be one customer record per unique customer id. The customer's name, address, etc. will be based on the last customer record imported, so you'll want to include the same customer name, etc. on all the duplicate records.

Each customer record imported that has a balance due and optionally a tax due will cause a ticket to be created that is linked that customer. So, if there are are multiple customer records using the same customer ID (and the same customer name, address, etc.) but with different balance and tax due fields, the import will end up with one customer record that has multiple tickets attached to it, each with a different balance/tax due amount.


Create CSV Template...This will create a text file called CUSTEVENT.CSV that contains the template used to create an import text file. Replace the contents of the file with the customers and events to be imported, be sure to keep the columns intact. Note the fields enclosed in double-quotes, and make sure the import file has the same double-quotes. Fields staring with D- should be MM/DD/YYYY with no quotes. Fields with N- are prices and quantities and do not need quotes.

The CSV file contains these fields for importing:

'Customer ID','First name','Last name','Address 1', 'Address 2', 'City', 'State', 'Zip', 'Phone', 'Alt phone', 'Email', 'Role', 'Event ID', 'Event name', 'Event type', 'D-DateEvent', 'EventSA', 'N-BMExpected', 'N-BalanceDue', 'N-TaxesDue', 'Notes', 'Bust ', 'Waist', 'Hip', 'Dress', 'Overbust', 'Ribcage', 'WaistFloor', 'HollowHem', 'HipHigh', 'HipLow', 'HollowWaist', 'NapeWaist', 'CoatSize', 'ChestSize', 'Overarm', 'PantSize', 'WaistSize', 'Inseam', 'Outseam', 'Shoesize', 'Shirtsize', 'Necksize', 'Sleevel ength', 'Height', 'MeasuredBy

Import from CSV...Loads the grid from a CSV file.