How do I give a refund
A ticket must have a negative balance before you can give a refund, or the customer must have a store credit. To generate a refund if the ticket has a negative balance:
- Go to the ticket.
- The Refund should be enabled. Click the Refund button. The Payment form displays.
- Click the tender type for the refund.
- Enter the correct refund amount, or use the default.
- Enter the Sales Associate ID and click Save Refund.
- Click Next to save the refund. A receipt will print.
If the customer has a store credit:
- Go to the ticket.
- Click the Refund button. The Payment form displays.
- Click the Refund Store Credit button on the Payment form. An indicator appears saying that Refunds will be taken from Store Credit.
- Select the tender type for the refund, enter the amount of refund as a negative number, enter the clerks SA ID, and click Save Refund.
- Click Next to save the refund. A receipt will print.
If the customer was a Quick Sale and you do not know the ticket number:
- Use the Main ->Sale->Quick Sale function to create a new ticket.
- Sale the item being returned with a negative quantity, i.e. -1.
- The negative quantity sale will cause the ticket to have a negative balance.
- Choose Payment enter a positive payment in the tender type for the amount of refund. ProfitSystem© will convert the sign of the payment refund properly.
OR - preferred method
- Determine the style code of the item being returned.
- Use the Main ->Register functions->View Ticket by Style Code to find a ticket with the item being returned
- Adjust & cancel the item, this will generate a negative balance
- Choose Payment & REFUND the amount.