Register Rental Members Wizard
This tab is only available if you have the optional TPOS software module and is utilized for quickly entering rental members of an event.
This form is used to quickly pre-register (like weddings where styles are assigned to specific member before that actually place the order) new members renting items for the event. It uses the information entered on the Events-> Event Tab for default use date, customer pick-up location, styles and pricing. The customer's name, styles, discount, pick-up location, not our measurement (NOM) indication, and damage waiver acceptance can be entered for each member.
Modifications to any information on the form are allowed until the rental order is created, indicated by the presence of an order number within the form. Only the customer name may be modified once the order is created.
Orders for these pre-registrations are created automatically by WinTPOS when the Create Order button is clicked from the rental tab.
After Orders are created, the information on the order may be edited from the rental Order Entry forms.
The rental order is created using the prices in effect when the order details were entered into the Register Members form. If the rental prices in the inventory have increased since then, an adjustment will be added to the ticket so the net price of the rental order will be the same as the price quoted when the event was registered. If the rental prices have gone down the then the lower price based on the current rental prices is used instead. TPOS automatically creates the Customer Card, Rental Order and Sales Ticket for the highlighted member when you click the Create Order button, when it does not exist.
Click the Go To Order button to make any modifications to the order's details.
This wizard is the fastest way to pre-register an event member
To add new members select a blank line within the Members of the group grid and enter the known details. Multiple members may be added at a time.
Next Role button...Moves the cursor down to the next line, and over to the First name field. This is a time saver to be used during data entry.
Save button...Saves all edits made to the form.
Cancel button... Discards any edits made to the form.
Members of the group grid...This list shows you all the members of this event that have rental orders.
- Role: The member's role in the event. Each member must a role assigned to save the data.
- First, MI, Last: You enter the first and last names for a member or their customer card and rental order will not be created.
- Alt Store: The store where this order will be returned, if different from the Pickup at store.
- NOM: Not our measurements. Check this is the measurements were taken somewhere else. This is for reference only.
- Rental styles: The next set of column headings will be the Item Type descriptions in the numerical line number sequence defined within the Item Type maintenance form. These columns will contain style codes for this rental order. Press F2 with in a cell to display a lookup list of valid style codes for the item type in the heading, or click on File-> Lookup F2 on the Title Bar menu.
- Free: Check this if this is a free rental order. The Rental Order form will still show a rental price, but the Ticket form for that order will show a zero price. This checkbox may be automatically checked/enabled by WinTPOS. This setting obeys the System Setup->Rental Tab-> Every x formalwear order is free setting. It will automatically check this box as the number of members entered matches the required numbers. The no charge for order option will be checked on the rental order when created and shows in the Free column on the Register Wedding form. The Reports-> Customer/Event/Prospect Reports-> Rental Event report provides a tools to audit the FREE rental registrations.
- Disc 1 & 2: Disc is short for discount which is a markdown amount. These two fields allow you to give up to two markdown amounts to this rental order. The discount will be applied to the rental price and carried through the Ticket for this order.
- Code 1 & 2: A markdown code indicating why you gave this discount.
- Price: The total rental price for this order. This value is computed automatically by ProfitSystem®.
- Status: The current status of the rental order. See Rental Process Overview for more details. This field is maintained by ProfitSystem®.
- Dmg Wavr?: Check this if a damage waiver should be charged. If a rental order has already been created, this indicates if the damage waiver was charged. You cannot change this after the rental order has been created. In case of error, a operator may visit the ticket that contains the charge for the order and manually add/cancel a Damage Waiver charge using the Sales or Adjustment transaction types.