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Rental Performance

Printed from the Event form PRINT button.

For use with the optional rental software module. Designed to be ran once an event is completed, it performs an analysis of the rental order activity for the selected event. The report is comprised of three sections.


Units and sales volume within the report are totaled for the store found on the order's pickup location. In multi-store installations, the store that created the event and registered the members may not be the same store where the order is picked up.

The potential unit and volume for registered only member, i.e. those without an order, are total for the store that created/registered the event.

First Section

It compares the pervious year's rental volume to the event's current event date, showing number of orders (unit volume), revenue for those orders and average revenue per order) group by pickup location ​ The previous year's comparison is accomplished via a name match-up. Users MUST create event names that are the same EXCEPT they end in the year of the event. For example: North Central Prom 2008 would compare to North Central Prom 2007. North Central Prom 2008 COULD NOT compare to North Central 2007 nor could North Central Prom 2008 compare to North Central Prom. ​ This section contains several data totals. Their definitions are:

Order volume = Sales volume for all rental orders (created orders & registered orders (potential orders)). For a order's sale to be counted, orders may not be marked as NO SHOW, Cancelled, exchanged and must contain at least one rental style. Units # = total rental orders (created orders & registered orders (potential orders)). To be counted orders may not be marked as NO SHOW, Cancelled, exchanged and must contain at least one rental style.

Order Registrations Members that do NOT have a real order are counted for store that created the event. Orders for members that have been created total for the order pickup location.

Second Section

Volume by style within selected item type. Provides an count by each style of the selected item type found on orders placed within the event being analyzed and include's it's percentage to event total for that selected type.

Third Section

This is a Markdown analysis. It totals the markdowns grouped for each markdown amount with it's percentage of total.


Item Types to include... the report may include up to six rental inventory item types. Select the types to include.