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Shopify Upload

Switchboard: Main->Housekeeping->BigCommerce Bulk Upload or Shopify Bulk Upload Menu: Inventory->E-Commerce Upload



Used to batch upload styles to BigCommerce. A style can be uploaded individually via the Rental Inventory form, or a group of styles can be uploaded at once using the BigCommerce Upload form.


Category...If left blank, inventory from all categories will be uploaded. If a category is selected only inventory from that category will be uploaded.

Vendor...If left blank, inventory from all vendors will be uploaded. If a vendor is selected only inventory from that vendor will be uploaded.

Sold via...Only styles matching the Sold via selected will be uploaded. Select Web only, In store+web, Catalog only, or Catalog charts.

Update images for existing products...Normally, images are not uploaded for existing style codes. Check this to force existing images to be replaced by images from ProfitSystem.

Only upload items modified since last upload?...There is a flag on every style code "Send to e-commerce? (set automatically by system)" that is checked if you modify a style code. If this option is checked, then it will only upload items with that option checked. It will also un-check that option after upload. This is used to update the ecommerce store with only the items that changed since the last upload.

Show report before uploading...Checking this will display a report showing all the styles that will be uploaded. After the report is viewed, there will be one more chance to confirm the upload.

Report...Runs a report showing all the styles that will be uploaded.