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Bridal Follow Up


This form is used by a bridal sales consultant to keep tabs on their past sales/customers and/or find new sales opportunities. When Bridal Followup is selected a form to filter customers based on criteria will be displayed. ​ Fill in the desired criteria and click OK. It will then list the customers or prospects found according to that criteria. For customers, it will display 'Ticket Held' next to their name if their ticket is currently marked HELD which is done from the ticket when the Print is selected and eMail & Hold option is chosen. This is typically used when a customer must reply with needed information before special orders are placed.

Selection Criteria

Three Options exists for building criteria. Two options select customers, the third selects prospects, i.e. people who have not been registered to an event. In addition, Prospect/Customer type, Wedding/Event date and date created are criteria that may be utilized in selecting the groups.

Option 1 The first option looks for customers who purchased an item of the specified categories, for a non-zero price occurring during the sale date range specified. They would have had not purchased anything from the other category, regardless of price or date of purchase.

Option 2 For the second option is set for wedding event types and looks for any events with members assigned the role that matches the role specified in this form. Then, it looks to see if any of the member roles has a sales ticket, if they do not, then the wedding is added to the list of wedding events to be contacted. The bride, groom, or both are added to the contact list, depending on the option selected.

Option 3 The third option selects prospects (are not a bride or groom of an existing event) that are interested in one or more styles (styles of interest are specified and appear on their prospect interest list). Or, if a vendor is specified, then any style from that vendor must appear in their prospect interest list. Styles or vendors may be manually entered by separating them with a comma. Prospect/customer type... Only customers or prospects are included that match the TYPE code entered here. Leave blank for ALL prospects & customers.

Wedding date range... Only customers or prospects are included that have event dates that fall within the date range entered here. Leave blank for ALL prospects & customers.

Created date range... Only customers or prospects are included that were created (added to system) that fall within the date range entered here. Leave blank for ALL prospects & customers.


Show Cust...Displays the customer form for the selected customer. Once at the customer form the consultant would be able to call or hand address a invitation or could Click Print and create a label, letter, send a eMail ot Text.

Show Event...Displays the event form for the selected customer, if they are in an event.

Show Ticket...Displays the ticket, if one exists, for the selected customer.

Show Pros...Displays the prospect form for the selected prospect.

Send SMS...Displays the SMS dialog to send an SMS message to the selected customer or prospect. Only available if the email service is enabled and the selected customer/prospect has a primary phone number and SMS carrier selected.

Create Todo...Creates a todo linked to the customer or prospect record for the selected member. This would be used to create a follow-up action for another SA, or a reminder to the Bridal SA.when they create a TO DO for themselves.

Search... Allows consultant to enter new criteria for the grid of customers/prospects.