C Engage
Make sure that you go back to Video 1 and Checklist 'Where to Start,' under the heading 'Store Setup.'
You must enter your email credentials and SMS settings in order to utilize this feature.
- Click 'Engage'
- Click the 'Sync' button to check for new messages
- Click on email or sms in the top message grid or 'inbox'
- Scroll to the bottom screen to read message
Utilize the buttons that are darkened for the following tasks:
'To-Do' - create a to-do task from this message
- 'Appointment' - schedule an appointment from the message
- 'Email' - reply to the email
- 'SMS' - reply to the text message
- 'Assign to User' - assign to staff member for follow-up
- 'Link to Customer' -link the message to an existing customer (if customer is already in the system, this button will automatically be the customer's name.)
- 'Customer' - add a brand new customer
- 'Complete' - mark message complete which removes it from the Engage message grid.
- 'Delete' - deletes email from the engage grid, everywhereBridal and email provider (should rarely be used)