Editing Sales
How to create a Sale for an Event member
Sales transaction may be CREATED by displaying the customer's receipt and clicking the Sale menu option hyperlink in the top right corner of the screen.
Sales transactions may be EDITED by displaying the customer's receipt and clicking the Sale hyperlink to the left of the Date of the sale. This process will display a Edit page of the SALE where most details could be edited.
Either option will display a edit form like the image of one below where Sale details may be entered or edited.
Sales transactions that are SPECIAL ORDERED status with a Purchase Order that is currently issued, meaning it has been sent to the manufacturer, may be edited. Editing a SALE on a Purchase Order will cause two things to happen
- The SALE edited information, such as size colors etc, will be SAVED and change the customer's receipt as well as the information on the previously issued purchase order. The change will be logged in the receipt's AUDIT trail, accessible by clicking the Receipt's AUDIT function menu link.
- A TO DO will be created for all User's of the shop set with Manager level security. This is done so a Manage may review the change to insure it is valid and can be completed. The TO DO has links to the AUDIT, SALE and Purchase Order. RIGHT CLICK the hyper link and chose open link in new tab to see the information.
Automatic TO DO entry on SALE edit Issued on a PO
Ticket Edit
Buttons / Links
Delete ...Available to Owner security level. The function permanently deletes the transaction. It will DELETE a linked PO line item. If the item is the only item on a PO, then the PO is also deleted. This DELETE function also checks for a linked Fitting Ticket and linked Rental Order. If any are linked those are deleted as well. Use DELETE very carefully. Once items are deleted they cannot be recovered.
Print Label ...Print a lay=a=way / Pickup label for the item. Labels are identification tags that are typically attached to the item for in-store storage
Mark Notified ...When items are special order they eventually will be received. The shop should notify the customer when the merchandise is available for pickup or fittings and normally that balance is due. This function inserts the current system date as the date the customer was notified on this specific item sold.
Mark Taken ... A Lay-a-way or Special order item is eventually picked up by the customer. When the pickup occurs the user must indicate that within the system by manually entering a date on this form or clicking this link or utilizing the Mark Items taken function. The use of pickup labels makes this task easier. This step is important for the shop's customer inventory management and knowing what is in store and balances owed on those customer tickets.
With Digital Signature enabled the user will be prompted to accept a digital signature for item acceptance and proof of pickup. The system will provide a default acceptance which is:
I am taking Style "XXXXX" Today "DD/MM/YYYY" from Store Name "XXXXXXXX" Ticket Number "9-999-999".
I have inspected the merchandise and I am satisfied with it's condition.
Once I leave the premises I accept full responsibility for the merchandise that I am taking with me.
The acceptance is emailed and logged under the receipt/ticket Signature link with a SALE label.
Custom TAKING/CUSTOMER PICKUP terms may be created by the store. The custom TAKING terms are created in the Administration - Template - Terms module selecting Pickup as the terms type.
eMail ... Displays the email editor whereby a email may be sent to the customer. User may utilize a TICKET email template and/or enter free form text. eMail sent will be automatically entered into the eMail History. Great for notifying Customers of special orders received.
SMS ... Displays the SMS editor defaulting to Customers primary phone number, whereby a SMS may be sent to the customer. User may utilize a TICKET SMS template and/or enter free form text. SMS sent will be automatically entered into the SMS History. Great for notifying Customers of special orders received.
Style ... The style originally sold may not be modified.
Pricing Section
Quantity ... Quantity sold may be modified.
Unit Original Retail Price ... The price charged for the item may be modified.
Unit Cost ... Cannot be viewed by CLERK level users. The store's cost for the item sold may be modified, such in the case if the quantity sold changes or the wholesale cost was originally in-correct. By default the Unit Cost amount is masked with asterisks so a customer cannot see, but may be made visible by clicking the Show button then hidden again by clicking the Hide button.
Extended Price + Fees ... This is total cost is automatically computed and may not be modified.
Note: Clerk level users cannot see the cost of styles or fees.
Fees Section
Fees 1-5 ... Any fees originally applied to the sale may be seen, with it COST and PRICE. These can be edited. Users with CLERK level security cannot see COST, Remember, if the item was Special Ordered & PO is issued, then any Fee changes must be called into the manufacturer.
Tax Rate Section
Tax rates are set in Store Setting form and can be a Tax rate 1, 2 or Tax Rate 1 + Tax Rate 2. Tax rates may be different rates for each store in multi-store implementations. The store tax rate should be selected for the style being sold, or inventory Categories may be set to default to rate 1 or rate 2 or both. Once the Sale being sold revenue is realized (based upon Accounting trigger set in System Settings , the tax rate comes forward for accounting. Sales tax is found on Daily Report and on Tax Report. Ta Rate is selected is linked to a Sales Transaction.
Status Section
Each Sale Transaction, as being created, must have a Status. Available Statuses during any Sales Transaction creation are:
NA ... Not Available, meaning no status is available. This is only an option when the style sold is marked as a Service in the Inventory form.
Pickup (Sales items to be taken with customer require QOH in Retail Inventory for the style, size and colors) ... Pickup indicates the Style being sold is being sold from stock and the customer is taking the item immediately out of the store. The Style being purchased may or may not be paid in full. (Most shops would have a procedure that would require the item to be paid in full) This status requires that there is quantity in Inventory for the Style, Size & Colors selected are in store stock.
Layaway ( Sales items to be put on lay-a-way require QOH in Retail Inventory for the style, size and colors ) ... Pickup indicates the Style being sold is being sold from stock and the customer is leaving the item in of the store. This status requires that there is quantity in Inventory for the Style, Size & Colors selected are in store stock. This status is selected when the shop needs to hold the item until the event or the customer is making payments on the item purchased before being allowed to remove the items form the store. There is a Pickup Inventory report available for the management of these held for Pickup items.
Special Order ... This status indicates the Style, Size & Colors being sold will be "special ordered". This status creates a Pending Special Order allowing for shop personnel to Release the item to a Purchase Order via the Issue Special Order function.
When Special Order status is selected, the User can enter Special Instructions and Private Instructions for the Special Order purchase order that will eventually be sent to the manufacturer. The Special Instructions appear on the Purchase Order when created for the item and also show on the customer ticket/receipt when printed or emailed, allowing the customer to review and approve the special instructions. However, Private Instructions only appear on the Purchase Order and are not offered for the Customer to see. Private/Special instructions may be edited from the ticket's Sales Edit form visible when the style is clicked by the User from a Customer's sales/receipt online form.
Change Status... This is used to fix mistakes on the status of a sale. If an item is special ordered and then received, you would receive it on the PO form, you would not change the status here. If an item is In, and you want to make it Taken, you would use the Mark Taken option on the Sale. Use this only to change the status if there is no other way to fix the status.
Dates may be edited by most users except for Accounted for, Created and Tax Record information. These may only be edited by the Owner security level user. There is only one Owner User and is the user originally created when the service was activated.
Date Received ... Date item is in store awaiting customer to Pickup. On lay-away status this is the date the item was sold. On Special Order status items this is the date it was received. This date is automatically entered by the system.
Date Taken ... This date is manually entered by the store operator to indicate the item has left the store. This is an important task to maintain proper inventory levels and to have good organization knowing what is in store and not in the store! Returned Date ... Occasionally customers will bring their merchandise back to store. To know it is back this date should be completed. This is an important task to maintain proper inventory levels and to have good organization knowing what is in store and not have in the store!
Date Notified ... This date is manually entered by a operator for items with Special Order status when the customer is notified their item is in awaiting pickup. Obviously customer's should not be notified until the item is received. The Pickup Inventory Report is a great tool to manage notifications.
Revenue Realized Date / Accounted For ... The system will automatically enter the Date in this field when the revenue and taxes are realized for this sale item. The timing of when the realized date is entered is based upon the Revenue Trigger set within the System Setting form (either at Sales time or when item is paid in full). Sales Revenue, Fees & taxes appear on the Daily Report on the Revenue Realized / Accounted for date entered.
Created date ... The date/time the transaction was created.
Department .... This is the transaction's responsible Department and will show on reports for this department. It may be modified by User's with proper security level.
Store ... This is the transaction's responsible Store and will show on reports for this Store It may be modified by User's with proper security level..
EventID ... This is the event that this customer is a member of that should be assigned to this sales transaction. Only Events this customer is a member of will appear within the dropdown. If the sale is not part of an event simply choose the Blank option.
SA 1 & SA 2 ... The sales associate(s) receiving credit for this sale may be modified. The SA (User) will be included on the customer Receipt when printed or emailed. This is a nice reference for the customer and other shop users if there are questions concerning the transactions.
Tax History Section
The system automatically creates tax records for sales transactions and each of it's linked adjustments and fees. Each modification of a Sales tax rate may cause addition history entries. It is important to capture these modifications on the date of occurrence for accounting reasons, so a tax history entry is created with the tax change amount along with the Accounted for date and Created date. The accounted for date is the date the tax amount would appear on the Daily Accounting Report.
It may become necessary to manually alter the dates of when the taxes were created and/or realized for accounting reasons.
Tax history editing is an advance feature and requires some understanding of accounting.
Administration -> System settings is where the shop setting controlling when revenue is realized is found. The setting "At Sale Time" realizes the sale and associated taxes when the Sale Transaction is created. With this setting, the Account for date and the Created date would be the same date. The setting "At Ticket Paid" realizes the sale and associated taxes when the customer has fully paid for the Sale. In this case, the Account For date may be different than the Created date.
Printing a Daily Report for a specific date will include all sales and tax entries with the same Accounted for date the report is being ran for.
This Tax History section lists all tax entries for the Sale, Adjustments, Cancellations & Fees associated with the displayed Sales transaction. By clicking an entry's hyperlink, the Realized/Accounted for date and Created date may be modified to any date with no rules or alerts (user must know what they need to be). The tax rates and amounts are displayed for review only, as well.