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Inventory Pickup

Reports -> Customer -> Inventory Pickup

This report will list the pickup inventory items that are in the store that are owned by a customer & awaiting pick up.

Styles defined as Pickup Inventory are all Inventory non-service Styles sold on Customer sales ticket/receipt, that have a STATUS of IN.

Many shops separate customer owned inventory from inventory available for sale. Most store customer inventory in a special storage area. Typically this merchandise is tagged with the Customer name and information for easy identification.

It is important this inventory is paid based upon the store's terms and has been picked up when it should be, i.e. a period of time after receipt or prior to an event date. This information is in the report for reference.

The System Setting for revenue realize impacts the pickup inventory value column. Value will be 0 if revenue is set to “At sale time”, 0 if item balance is zero OR if balance greater than 0 with “At ticket Paid” revenue set, the value will equal (qty sold * reorder cost)

The cost column is shop's cost of sales.

This report is ideal for tracking overdue payments, items in storage past due date, insurance value and asset/property value for accounting.

An event date will appear on the Report if the ticket the item was sold on is linked to an event, such as a wedding event. This would be the date of the event it is linked to.


Store ... Limit to inventory located in all stores or selected stores.

Days in Pickup ... Enter a whole number of the minimum days in Pickup. Items received that number of days for more will be included in report. example 30. Would include items received 30 or more days ago.

With Balance (checkbox) ... Checked would only include those items with a balance due.

Past events only (checkbox) ... Checked will filter list to those items styles linked to an event and the event date is before the current system date (in the past). This option ignores the Days in Pickup and With Balance filter options.

Only Not Notified (checkbox) ... checked the system will list all those items received missing a notified date on the ticket's sales transaction indicating the customer has NOT been notified that their merchandise is in store awaiting pickup.

Tips: Use the filters to list transactions for follow-up. Example: a) Show me all merchandise over 30 days since store receipt where a balance is not paid b) Show me all merchandise where the customer has not been notified of it's arrival.


Run Detail/Summary Report button ... Display report listing all transactions under a single customer. (Display/Summary options lists the same information)

Export to Excel button ... This is a specially designed export to Microsoft compatible Excel spreadsheet format that is easily manipulated for analysis that a shop may wish to perform.