Take Rental
Rental -> Take Rental
The take rental form is used to change the Rental Order status to TAKEN when the Customer visits the shop to obtain the merchandise of their rental order. It is an efficient tool to quickly process one or many Customers concurrently. The form tells the system the order is being taken and to collect any remaining balance owed for the rental.
Individual orders may be selected by Customer name or Order number. Also, all members of an event may be listed by selecting the event. Clicking SEARCH with no filters will list al future orders with the CONFIRMED status.
Search Rentals by
Order Number ... Enter a single order number to filter by
Customer name ... Enter portion of a customer name. All customers that match the enter characters in their name will be listed with rental orders of Confirmed status
Event name ... perform a lookup of the events and select an event to filter to. All members in the event with rental orders of Confirmed status will be listed.
The grid will list all orders, with the CONFIRMED status, matching the enter filters. Select a row (rental order) and click the Take Rental button. Orders may not be marked TAKEN which have a balance on it's linked ticket.
The payment form will automatically appear when a balance exists. The order will NOT be marked taken until the ticket balance paid down to 0.