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Exchange Rental Orders

Customers change their mind on styles, or the the sizes they requested do not fit once rental orders are taken. Exchange Rental Orders are automatically created by the system when original orders are being modified once the original order is in a TAKEN status. By default exchange orders are created at $0 cost to the Customer. Manual exchange order adjustment increases to the Rental fee on the linked ticket may be applied by a User when needed.

Orders edited with a Taken Status creates Exchange Orders

Exchange orders are necessary for tracking order modifications to insure the customer receives what they need/want. The new exchange order styles must be confirmed and become a way to track the needed items. These exchanged styles must be ordered / confirmed with wholesalers and in-store staff whom assemble the needed styles and sizes, so the exchanges are not overlooked.

For an exchange order to be created, a User simply visits the Customer's rental order with a TAKEN status and makes a change to the style, or size. The system will prompt for the reason for the exchange. When a exchange order is created, the original order will stay as it was with the original styles & sizes prior to the exchange.

Each style of the original order could have an exchange order, if every necessary. Only one exchange order is allowed for each style. Exchange order styles cannot have additional exchange orders for the styles on the exchange order.

Exchange Orders are only created for styles/sizes edited line items with TAKEN status.

Exchange Orders, once created may be deleted by Manager or higher security level if the exchange was created by mistake or the exchange order cannot be confirmed.

When a Order's status is Confirmed and has a TAKEN status, any edit to a style or size will result in an exchange order automatically being created. The original order style/size will not change, but the User will be able to make the modifications to the style or size on the new exchange order. The style(s) lines on the exchange order must go through the same processes (status changes) as the original order.

Exchange orders are assigned the Original order number with the a code appended to the end, indicating the exchange order sequence. Example would be 99-99-99999-EX1. This helps identify exchange orders in rental order reports.

In creating exchange orders once the order status is Taken, the system will ask for an exchange reason. The User must select the best reason listed. This is helpful in performing exchange analysis vis the Exchange Report to insure there are not internal training issues that may need to be addressed or some mis-sizing on specific styles.

When a Jim's ezTux style is being modified, the system will create an exchange order. Once the Exchange order is created the User would attempt to "Confirm with Jims" . If it fails at receiving a confirmation the exchange order will stay with an unconfirmed status.

If the style being modified is marked for SUB RENT in Rental Styles and is not a Jim exTux style, then the system will create a exchange order and leave it unconfirmed so it may seen on the Rental Order unconfirmed report to insure it is promptly ordered from a wholesaler.

Tip: It is NOT recommended for exchange orders to be with a UNCONFIRMED status. Prior to making TAKEN Rental Order edits for sub-rented styles, the User should first insure with the Wholesaler can accept and send the desired exchange style/size available in time for the Customer's event, prior to making the edits to the original order. Once the exchange order is created, mark the sub-rented styles Confirmed. in store styles (those marked in Rental Styles as not coming from a Wholesaler) are automatically Confirmed. When the Customer takes the order mark it TAKEN via the rental order TAKE module.

For other TAKEN status styles being modified on rental orders that are NOT marked Sub Rent or Jim styles, an exchange order is created for the style/sizes being modified and a actual returned date is entered for the style(s) edited on the original order. The new exchange order's styles are automatically confirmed. The reason is these styles are typically fulfilled by the store with it's on hand style/size inventory.

Managers and higher security levels may delete/cancel Exchange Orders if they cannot be fulfilled.

Note: The statuses of any/all exchange orders for the originating rental order must have Return status before the originating rental order status will become Return.

Orders edited with a Confirmed Status

A non sub contacted, confirmed style may be edited prior to the style being in a TAKEN status.

When a style is edited on a existing Confirmed status order and the style being modified is marked as SUB RENT in the Rental Style form, the system will not allow edits to Confirmed line items. The style/size confirmation information must be manually removed by a User (the supplier needs to be contacted prior to removing the confirmation to insure the previously ordered merchandise has not been shipped and the desired changes can be confirmed with the sub contractor/wholesaler prior to performing the order entry edits). Once the Confirmed details are removed from the style, it may be edited.

It is a simple to remove a style's confirmation information from the order entry form. But a User should not do it until they know the order may be changed with the Wholesaler.

To remove a style line item Confirmation, simply click the Confirmation menu hyper-link and the confirmation edit form will appear where confirmations may be added, changed or removed.

For Jim's styles confirmed via ezTux the User must Confirm Order with Jims again by clicking the "Confirm with Jim" menu link. This will attempt to modify the styles on the existing ezTux order. A success message will appear if all went well, otherwise a failure message with reason will appear whereby the User can attempt to make a order change and try to confirm with ezTux again. If the order cannot be successfully changed via ezTux, a User may have to contact Jim's customer service directly to attempt to Confirm order directly. If direct contact is successful then a confirmation date and description may be manually entered in the Confirmation form (shown in above image). The fields will accept any data the User enters and interpret the data as item confirmation.