Searching for Purchase Orders
Purchase Order -> Purchase Order
This Purchase Order editing form will allow several PO functions to be accomplished from this one form. The editing process is started by choosing the desire edit mode from the drop down option menu.
Edit mode: Issue Special Order
The option displays the Issue Special Order form. Click to see help topic.
Edit mode: Create Stock Order
This option displays the Create Stock Order form.
Edit mode: Issue Stock Order
The option displays the Issue Stock Order form.
Edit mode: Other Purchase Order Actions
The default edit mode is "Other Purchase Order Actions". Within this mode once a PO is located and selected several edit functions are available. It starts by showing the PO Search grid.
PO Search Grid
Powerful searching to locate Purchase Orders needing review or edits.
Start by Searching for the PO to review/edit. Enter the PO number or portion of the number to locate and click Search. Check the Show Received checkbox to also include POs that have been received past within the results.
For example assume the store number is 1, so by entering 1 and clicking Search will display all POs for store 1.
Once search results appear within the interactive grid several quick options are available.
Clicking an column header toggles ascending or descending sorting on that column's data
Clicking a column name will sort the data by that column in natural or reverse chronological order. For example, The DATE ISSUED column by default displays the oldest PO at the top of the list. By clicking the Date Issued column it will reverse the sort and display the most recent issued PO at the top of list. Similar sort actions happen for all other columns when the header is clicked.
Clicking on the funnel icon of column allows filtering values to entered for the data within that column and when entered limits display to matching data.
Dragging a column header to the top left corner of grid sorts the grid data by that column.
Click CC to turn on captions
Fast PO Search Grid Filters
Show Received ... When checked/enabled, only Purchase Orders with a Received Date will appear within the grid.
Show Stock Orders only ... When checked/enabled, only Stock Orders appear within the grid (no customer special orders will appear).
Show NOT Confirmed ... When checked/enabled, only purchase orders without a Confirmed Ship will appear. It is important to insure all POs are confirmed with the manufacturer and this feature quickly shows those awaiting confirmation for follow=up the the shop staff.
Print ... Prints the results of the PO Search grid in a report format.
The PO Number and the Event Name are hyperlinks within the PO Grid.
Clicking the Event name will display the customer or event details form. Clicking the PO Number will make appear the PO Edit form.
Scrolling the grid to the left will bring into view the Reprint and Receive Functions..
Reprint will Reprint the PO document. The word REPRINT will be printed at the top of the printed purchase order.
Clicking the Receive function will allow some or all items on the PO to be Received.