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Purchase Order Alert

Main - Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Alerts

Purchase Order Alerts is a tool to allow authorized Users (those with the Receive Order Alerts enabled on their User Form) to be alerted of specific changes performed in the system, such as event date edits or size changes & others) that may affect an Customer's open purchase. The system will insert event and ticket information into a To Do task whereby a authorized User may act to review, resolve or potentially deny any change entered onto a Ticket with a open purchase order.

Adding a Completed date will cause the TO DO to disappear from the default OPEN TO DO list.

Hyperlinks in list are active within the grid! Simply click it. While in the TO DO edit form, simply hold the CTRL key while clicking the hyperlink in the editor and the system will open a new browser tab display the page (ticket, event or customer) the hyperlink references.

The PO Alert TO DO grid

The grid data is limited by default to those TO DOs not containing a completed date.

Complete by From __ to __ date range ... Enter date values to limit grid info to only those TO DOs with a to be completed date within the entered range.

Completed Checkbox ... checked only Alert TO DOs completed will appear within grid,

Data in Grid may be further filtered by clicking an available column antenna and enter values to limit grid entries to, such as customer, or completed date.

Edits that Create Purchase Order Alerts

When an event's event date is changed

If the user modifies event date on Event registration::

System will check all sales tickets linked to the event. If any sales ticket has a PO issued and not received, or check all rental orders linked to sales tickets linked to event and if any of these transactions contain styles marked Sub-Rent and are confirmed rental order and will insert a entry into Purchase Order alert TO DO.

Data to be inserted into the comments of TO DO:

"Event date changed from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx" Also, list tickets with not received POs with Customer name, ticket number, PO number with hyperlink to ticket , if there are sub rented rentals then indicate which rental orders need to be reviewed with hyper link to each rental order

Sales Transaction Edits

If ticket sales transaction is edited with these specific edits AND sale has a PO that is not received:

  • size is modified

  • special or private instructions are modified

  • a standard extra charge (in system as a extra charge on vendor, thus was selected by user) and is changed by the user in terms of price or wholesale cost

  • A ad-hoc extra charge is modified or added to to sales transaction


*No open PO (PO could had been received or item was not ordered, but sold from stock)

  • If transaction does not have a open PO, but any (standard or ad hoc) extra charge is added with a $0 wholesale amount
  • the retail price of a standard extra charge was changed

Rental Order edits

If Take Date or Use Date is modified and rental order has any sub rented styles that are confirmed status, a TO DO is created

Data inserted into the comments of TO DO:

Event, event date (if part of event) Customer name, ticket number, (hyperlink ticket number) Rental order Take dates has changed from xx/.xx/xxxx to yy/yy/yyyy and Use date has changed from xx/xx/xxxx to yy/yy/yyyy


Purchase Order Alerts will be created when any of these scenarios occur:

  • The sale of a non-service type style is cancelled with On Order status
  • The sale of a non-service type style is cancelled with Received or Taken Status
  • Sales transactions of Rental style code (rental orders) is cancelled and there were rental styles marked as a sub-rent style containing Confirmation data on the style - meaning it is confirmed with the supplier

Ticket Audit Trail

For additional detail on Ticket Sales Transaction edits, i.e. what specifically was changed, just review the ticket's audit trail data, easily accessible from ticket for all sales transactions. The alert description will provide the ticket # and style affected. The information within the Audit list will include prior and changed to data values allowing the Reviewer to see and analyze the change(s).