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Issue Special Orders

Purchase Orders-> Issue Special Orders

Special Order Line items are only created from customer Sales Receipt/Ledger when a sale transaction's status is tagged as Special Order. Once that transaction is saved on the receipt a "pending" purchase order line item is created.

The store's ordering manager would view these pending orders within this Issue Special Order function where an interactive grid is offered to make this time consuming job much easier & faster.

In Multi-Store implementations the system only displays pending orders for the currently logged in store.


By default, ALL Un-Issued Special Order items will display when visiting this option. To shorten the list to specific items select:

  • Vendor ... Enter one or more vendors to limit inventory styles of the entered vendors.

  • Category ... Enter one or more Categories to limit inventory styles of the entered categories.

  • Event Data range ... Events are assigned a date of event. For special orders of members within events, the Event date range may be entered to limit styles of events that occur within the range.

  • Event Role ... One or more roles may be selected. Members of events are assigned a Role, so this will limit styles to those event members assigned the entered role(s).

Search button ... Click Search button to see only those matching special ordered items.

Print Button ... Prints a report of the pending items displayed within the grid.

Clear button ... Clears any filters in effect and causes the grid to display all pending items.

The grid will show items for "non-events" first, the items for events sorted by event date with the closest at the top of the grid. The grouping is by items for a specific event and displays the event date and event name. Clicking the event name displays the event details.

When entering "Non Rental" members on an Event, the User may entered the number of members (normally for BRIDESMAID role) expected at the event member grid. This Issue Special Order grid will display the Expected Number next to the Event name as a reference to help in knowing if a order should be placed for the bridesmaid role. Many shops prefer to order Bridesmaid orders all at once on a single PO to avoid possible dye lot variations.

Clicking the arrow ICON next to the Event Date will display the item details of event member (customer), sizes & colors. It will also show the percentage of payment toward the item as an aid to help determine if the item should be ordered. Most shops require a minimum payment before ordering. The member/customer name is a hyperlink, which by clicking displays the member's receipt allowing for review & edits (if necessary).

Discontinued Alert color (light yellow):

When a item to be special ordered has been discontinued via the discontinue date field found within the Inventory Styles form, the line within this grid will be highlighted in a light yellow color as an alert that it has been discontinued and may not be available to order.

Number of expected members match Orders color (light green):

When an event's expected Member number is equal to or less than the number of unique member orders appearing within the Issue grid, the event line will turn a GREEN color, as an alert to the User the event's members order may be ready for issue.. Example, on events member tab a number of 5 was entered indicating the number of maid attendants expected in the wedding. Now filter the Issue special order grid to Maid role types, as Maid of Honor, Bridesmaid .etc. Now on Search each event line that has an expected member number entered and the pending orders equal or exceed the number entered will be highlighted in GREEN.

The Issued Orders column shows how many purchase orders have already been issued for the event. Clicking the number will display a popup showing the actual items already issued. This is very useful during ordering to know what has already been ordered.

Select the the items to be ordered by clicking within the item's grid row. A selected row will become a highlight color (default is orange). To select an additional row press the control button on your keyboard and while keeping it pressed click the next row to select, it will become the highlight color. Repeat for additional rows. A user may also select multiple rows by clicking into the first row and while pressing the mouse button drag the mouse pointer into the other rows to select.

To un-select a item press and hold the keyboard's control button while clicking the selected item's row.

Issue button ... Click the Issue button when completed selecting the rows of items to issue. Once the Issue button is clicked the system will prompt for:

PO Grouping...

  • Vendor - all items for a vendor will print on a single PO. This means multiple styles and events will print on the PO
  • Vendor+Event - all items for a vendor and event will print on a single PO. This means multiple styles for a single event will print on the PO
  • Vendor + Event + Style - All items for the same vendor, event and style will print on a single PO. Another style or event for the same vendor will print on another PO.

Requested Ship method... Preferred shipping, example UPS ground or overnight

Requested Ship date...The date to ship the PO to the store

PO Number...The PO number. Manually enter one (insure it is unique) or leave blank and the system will auto generate the PO number.

Click Save to proceed.

The system will display the First PO to the screen where it may be printed or emailed. Once the action is complete the next PO (if any) will appear.

Any PO Terms created within the terms will print onto the PO

Issue Special Orders video