Price Tags for Inventory
Printing price tags is a very important feature of EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail. A system generated/printed price tag provides these benefits: A printed price tag can include your logo and is a professional presentation of the products being sold within the store.
Price tags can also include BARCODES which make checkout faster and less error prone.
Tags with BARCODES radically speeds completing a physical inventory count to reconcile your inventory quantities.
With the Administration-> Store Settings -> VAT Tax check box enabled the system will automatically incorporate the tax rate with the Selling Price printed on the Price Tag (for P1 & P2 variables)
EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail offers multiple price tag formats. The format to print is chosen at print time from the list presented , samples of pre-setup tags/labels are below. In addition custom tags/label layouts may be created and added to the pre-setup layouts. These custom layouts may be printed on Zebra or full page printers. See this Manage Labels Help topic for more information on how to create custom layouts.
Pre-Setup tags & Labels (images are not to scale):
Purchase any tag, label, or tag holder from BBL
PriceBell_Label_.5 x 2.2. Sticky price bell label. Great for rings, necklaces and earrings.
Price Label 3x1-Accessory. Sticky price label. Great for small or medium size accessories, shoes & guest books.
PriceLabel1x24_4up 1" x ½" small sticky price labels. Great for placing on existing vendor tags. System prints 4 labels at once of same style.
Price4x2_Basic Large 4" x 2" price tag. Available in Pink, Blue & white colors. Logo prints for ZPL printer
Price 4x2 Detail Large 4x2" tag. Available in Pink, Blue & White colors colors. Prints color and size charts, Extra Fees plus 65 characters of Style notes.
Print two tags, like Price and detail tags then fold and slip in a clear re-usable plastic holder. Available from BBL
Price 3x1 Detail Small sticky label. Prints color and size charts plus 65 characters of Style notes.