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Returns Cleaning and Repair

Main -> Inventory -> Retail Inventory -> Return, Cleaning & Repair (RCR)

It is important for a store to know where all the stock inventory it owns or customer inventory it has responsibility for is at all times. This inventory should be in the store, but circumstances arise where it may be returned to the vendor or sent to a cleaner or seamstress in case of damage. The store would not want a Customer to believe their Special Ordered merchandise was received and in store, but in fact was received then sent back to manufacturer due to quality issues. The RCR form helps in preventing this possible embarrassing scenario.

Has a staff member ever looked for a gown and could not locate it because it is not in the store? This becomes a stressful scramble in an attempt to learn of it whereabouts. This RCR module is the solution because it allows staff to quickly see if the gown has been sent out of the store and when it is due back.

Merchandise my be entered into the RCR system from

  1. The Retail Inventory Style QOH Edit form
  2. The Customer's Sales Ticket sales transaction edit form
  3. The actual RCR form

RCR entries are created for specific store inventory items, or items sold to Customers (pickup inventory). For Customer RCR items the system is aware of a the open RCR for a particular style, size, color and the customer to whom it belongs. For open (not completed RCRs) , If the item was a Special Ordered, Received then added to a RCR, the Sales Status will change back to "On Order PO #####". For items sold from Stock the Sales Status remains "In", but a User could see there is an RCR present for the style since it's Menu Selection would change from Add RCR to Edit RCR.


Say a Stock PO is received and an item on it is damaged and it needs to be sent back to the Vendor for repair or replacement. Once received in PO,

For stock retail inventory merchandise: Just go to the Style's QOH entry and click the RCR menu option to create a entry.

For Customer (pickup) Merchandise: Go to the Customer's ticket, click the SALE transaction for the item/style and then click Create RCR on the Sales Edit form.

Either may quickly be accessed from the PO Edit form by clicking the hyperlinks on the received item. Once an RCR is created the system is aware of the fact that the particular item is not in the store.

An RCR is assumed open when the RCR's RECEIVED date is blank.

When Customer's merchandise is on an open RCR, it's status changes to "NR = Not Ready". This NOT READY status appears on the

  • Sales ticket
  • Customer profile sales recap grids
  • Event recap grids, Detail & Member
  • Myinfo / Mobile App customer portal item status recap.
  • The merchandise is also removed from the Pickup Inventory tab of the Customer, Event Detail and Event Member grids. Store's would not want to indicate to the Customer they could come in to see or pickup their merchandise when in fact it is not in the store.

Occasionally the manufacturer may not be able to rectify a issue in a timely fashion to meet the deadline of the event. In this case may provide a credit memo (an agreed to credit on future invoices) to the store to pass on to the Customer for cleaning or repair or custom fitting.

This RCR module provides a mechanism to track the credits due. Simply check the Credit memo due checkbox and enter a credit memo amount. Now the RCR search grid and RCR report can list open credit memos. When the credit memo has been paid enter the date the credit memo is paid and it will be considered closed.

Printed Recap

There is a report for the RCR entries with several filter options. Please review the Report RCR Help Topic for information.

Add RCR ... Creates a new blank RCR. The User will be required to enter certain information before they may save the RCR entry.

Delete RCR ... Deletes the displayed RCR

Save ... Saves all Edits, including comment edits in the editor.

Cancel ... Cancels all edits and returns User to previous form.

Image ... Up to four images or supported files may be attached. See the Help topic Retail Style Images for additional information about image and file options.

Print ... Prints a RCR recap sheet for the highlighted RCR entry. It is suitable to be included with the item being sent from store, telling the recipient of the issues encounter and why the return or cleaning.

RCR Components

Search Grid

Quickly locate specific RCR entries by the RCR number/id, by entering a vendor style code or a store style code (saleid). Alos can check the Open checkbox to see just those RCRs that are not close (no )

The Grid may be sorted or search on any column. Click the antenna of the column to enter filter values for that column. Drag the column to the grid header to group & sort on that column, such as Vendor name to see all RCRs by Vendor.

RCR ... Filters grid for the entered unique RCR id number when entered. List all if left blank.

Vendor Style ... Filters grid for the entered vendor style code when entered. List all if left blank.

Sale ... Filters grid for the entered unique Sales ID number when entered. List all if left blank.

Open checkbox ... When checked, limits entries to only those that do not have a Received Date entered. UnChecked all entries are included, ie. open & closed.

Open Credit Memo (checkbox) ... When checked, limits entries to only those that do not have a Credit Memo Date entered. UnChecked RCR all entries are included

Search button... Executes the filters values entered and displays only those entries that match on RCR number, Vendor Style or Sales transaction id.

Within the Grid a image of the item/style may appear. This image comes form the retail style inventory entry and is the image in URL 1.

RCR Form Fields

The Grid may be sorted or searched on any column. Click the antenna of the column to enter filter values for that column. Dray the column to the grid header to sort on that column.


RCR Number ... sequential unique number automatically generated by the system, read only

Created by ... Userid of currently logged in User, read only automatically inserted by RCR when created

Created date/time ... Current date/time when RCR was created, automatically inserted by the system, read only

RCR Type ... User may choose from these Types:

Return: Return to Vendor Repair: Out to seamstress Cleaning: Out for cleaning Other: User entered reason

The RCR Type is a required field

Description ... A 80 character field for the RCR description, used to input the summarized reason for a return RMA ... 60 character field PO Number ... 15 character field Invoice ... Invoice number/ID where the item was billed on. 20 character field Returned /Received date ... date . When this date is present the RCR is consider Closed/Done, i.e. not Open. This date is the actual date the item was received back into store. Due date ... date item is scheduled to be back in the store Event date ... date

Open Credit Memo checkbox ... checked the Credit memo amount and Credit memo date paid field become visible allowing the User to insert data for situations where the shop will be receiving a vendor credit on future invoices or a payment. It is a;ways great to know when a vendor owes the store money. When the credit is applied or monies received, uncheck the box and enter a note onto the rcr that is is closed.


Pickup/Customer Sales item ID ... This is the sales ticket sales transaction ID. when the RCR is for Customer merchandise and created from the customer's ticket sales transaction of the item.

Customer name ... Display only value, automatically pulled from the Customer's ticket with a customer sales ID present in the form, read only

Event name ... Display only value, automatically pulled from the Customer's ticket when the ticket containing the sales transaction of the item on the RCR is linked to an event

(When a Sales item ID is entered, the fields of Customer name, Vendor style code, Size, Colors 1,2 & 3, Cost, Vendor are automatically populated)


Inventory QOH Bar-code ... For Stock merchandise being move from store, the User may enter it's Bar-code. When Bar-code is present style code, size, colors 1,2 & 3, Cost, Vendor are automatically populated).

Either the Pickup/Customer Sales item ID or Inventory QOH Bar-code is REQUIRED to save a newly created RCR entry. Once saved they cannot be changed. To start over, just delete the RCR entry and re-create.

Vendor style/name ... Vendor style, Size, Colors, Style Description & Cost come from Sales Ticket sale Salesid or QOH inventory. The values are read only and not editable.

Size ... Colors 1 ... Automatic Color 2 ... Automatic Color 3 ... Automatic Cost .. Automatic Style Description .... Automatic

Comments ... Free form HTML editor comment entry. Explain in the Comments why the item is being sent out of store. To save the input/edits click the editor SAVE button. Then click the form SAVE button to write all data, including Comments just changed/added to the permanent RCR entry.