Inventory Search
Search Filters
Click SEARCH with no filters to display all ACTIVE styles entered in the system. For multi-store chain environments, the searching crosses all stores.
- Search (first field) ... The search function will locate inventory on store style, vendor style, barcode, vendor or UPC code. Enter a portion or all of the info within the search term field and the system will locate the item(s) that match. For example, say the vendor style is 1234567. Enter 1234 and click search button. The system will locate all items that match the 1234 within Vendor name, Vendor style, Store Style, Category, Description, bar-code or SKU. Partial matches qualify as well including the 1234567 since the search string of 1234 is contained within 1234567.
- Characteristics / Attributes(second field)... Begin typing the attribute name, if any inventory styles contain the attribute characters entered it will appear in the drop down. When no attribute appears as a selection then what is being typed is not in use within the inventory. Enter as many attributes as desired. All of the entered attributes MUST exist on a Style for it qualify and appear within the grid when SEARCH button is clicked.
- Size (third field)... Enter a size, example 12, to see inventory with Quantity on Hand (QOH) entry that matches a size 12 with a quantity on hand greater than 0. User many enter a size filter when the Quantity on Hand > 0 filter is not checked.
- Color (fourth field)... Enter a color, example Red, to see inventory with Quantity on Hand (QOH) entry that as matches a color Red with a quantity on hand greater than 0. User many enter a color filter when the Quantity on Hand > 0 filter is not checked.
Quantity on Hand > 0 ... Check to show any inventory style with any size or color with a quantity on hand greater than 0. User may check this option when the Size filter is blank.
Inactive ... By default the SEARCH displays only ACTIVE styles. Check the INACTIVE box to seek / see INACTIVE styles.
Search button... Executes the inventory search using the entered filters and in a few seconds styles matching the filter will appear within the grid. If no filters are entered the grid will contain all active inventory styles.
Export to Excel ... This function will executes the inventory search using the entered filters and in a few seconds display the matching inventory styles within the grid and prompt the user for a excel file name where the system will save the results into the spreadsheet. The columns of the workbook sheet will the same as the search grid.
Tip: If BigCommerce is turned on in Store Setup, style row's that are exported and linked to the online store will appear in GREEN.
Column Filters... Also column filters may be utilized to filter inventory data. Clicking the Antenna icon next to the column name will display a Filter box for ONLY that column. Entering a filter value and the boolean expression for use, will limit the grid list to only those inventory items that match. Multiple column filters may be active at one time to quickly locate the specific inventory needed. Check out this video for a Column Search introduction.
The the system will display a search results list grid and provide two functions:
- New Style Button - creates a new inventory item entry blank record where User may complete all details. See BBL PicturePerfect Inventory topic for how Picture Perfect affects new style creation.
- Create Stock PO Line inline Grid Button - found next to each style row within the search grid, last column. When clicked will create a pending stock PO line item for it's style. System will default vendor, vendor style code and reorder cost. User must enter quantity, size & colors to order.