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Exception Reports

Inventory -> Physical Inventory -> Exceptions

There are two Exception Reports

  1. Inventory NOT counted
  2. Variance

These reports are tools to check the accuracy of the physical count prior to it being permanently applied to the inventory. Once management reviews the actual count, it may be modified when needed. Often times inventory is missed and must be located then added to the count. These reports help identify those situations.

These reports may be filtered by categories.

Category filtering allows inventory to be checked by department. Often times stores do not count the entire store but a specific category of merchandise. This filter allows for department counts. Even if the ALL categories were counted, running the report by category allows the count checking to be delegated to that department's workers.

Clicking the PRINT option will print the report.

Scrolling the grid to the right will display the inventory count information.

The inventory process is done to insure the quantity on hand in software system is accurate. Differences in Quantity on Hand and actual counts may be an indication of theft (stealing). Has merchandise been leaving the store without it being ran through the Point-of-Sale portion of the program? NOTE: Store management would also wish to check to insure the proper prices are being charged for merchandise. The Register Journal is a quick report to review sales and pricing.

Inventory NOT counted

This is a listing of all inventory that was not counted at all. Check to insure this is correct or a mistake prior to Applying the Count.


Inventory counted but there exists a Variance, i.e. difference between the physical count and the quantity shown in-stock by the system.