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Inventory Categories

Inventory -> Inventory Setup -> Categories

Inventory categories are a name/code created for a user to easily identify the type of merchandise an item is. It is assigned to an inventory item when it is created via the Inventory Styles form.

It is used:

  • For reporting, to list sales and revenue by category
  • A a means to track sales within an event, i.e. Prom dress sales to automatically indicate if the same item has been previously sold to a member to a school/prom event
  • Report items from a category that are commissioned, i.e. Sales associates/Managers can see sales by sales Associate that are designated as commission-able via Sales by Associate Report.
  • How Sales/VAT taxes should be applied/calculated (if any) to any sale of a inventory item or service where the Category is assigned.

EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail includes a default set of primary Categories that are adequate for many stores. Additional primary categories may be added anytime by the store. In addition, sub categories may be created under a primary to further distinguish an inventory item. Examples could be:

Primary: Bridal
--Sub: Full Skirt
--Sub: Sheath
--Sub: A-Line

Primary: Bridesmaid
--Sub: Taffeta
--Sub: Polyester


Search for Category... Enter the category name or portion of name. Click Search button to filter list to matching categories.

Create Button... Click to add a new category.

Mark as System... Click to add a new category.

Edit... Click to add a new category.

System Link... Click to link the existing category to a system category. System categories are used for integration to other services. Linking allows you to have a category called WG, and if it linked to the Bridal system category, then EverywhereBridal knows that WG is really bridal. When you click System Link you'll see a list of system categories, and also Unlink. Choose unlink to unlink the category from the system category.

Delete...Delete the category.


Name... A name for the category

eCommerce ID ... ONLY AVAILABLE TO User with OWNER security level.

When integrated with a eCommerce store, such as BigCommerce, most will have numbers identifying the categories (product departments) in addition to a name/description. On import the systems utilizes the number to match the category since is more reliable than a descriptive name as oftentimes the names can change. This number should appear for any category that has been pushed/matched to the eCommerce category/department. This number may be manually added or changed to the correct eCommerce number by a User with the OWNER security level.

In BigCommerce(BC) the number will be seen in the url when editing the the product category. This is the number that should be on the category/or categories in EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail to have Styles assigned to that BC category on import.

When EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail performs a inventory style export to the eCommerce site, it will look to see if a eCommerce ID exists on the Category/Department assigned to the style being exported. If not, then the system will create a New Category/Department in the eComm software with the name/description and insert the eComm ID number created in the eComm software into this field, thus linking the two with this ID number (not linked via the name/description).

Commission checkbox ... Is this considered commissionable, checked = Yes

Track Event checkbox ... Should this be tracked (Registered) within a event and user alerted if the same style and/or color of this category is sold within that event for a second or more time, checked = Yes. Inventory items assigned this category with Tracked Event set will appear in Prom or Social type events under the Registered Styles tab.

Hidden checkbox ... Should this category be hidden from the lookup selections within Inventory and thus not allowed to be assigned, checked = Yes

Apply Special Tax? checkbox ... Some states in USA have special Sales Tax calculation rules that where identified have been programmed into EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail. Each of the available "Special Tax rules" are available for selection in Store Setup. When a special State tax rule has been selected this checkbox when CHECKED will force the State's tax rules to be applied to Sales Transaction of inventory styles assigned this Category.

Show in catalog checkbox ... The mobile app displays a catalog of store inventory. Only styles where the category has this option checked are displayed. Also, the style must have at least one image.

Tax Type...The system allows you the ability to choose the default tax rate option for this category. When a inventory style assigned to this category is sold on a ticket, the system will default to the tax option selected here. The user may change the tax option chosen by default on the Style Create/Edit form of the ticket if needed.

MyDressBFF...Controls whether or not styles from this category will show in the mobile app. There are four options:

  1. Don't show in mobile app - Do not show styles with the category at all.
  2. Show only style - Show one page for this style. Don't show what sizes or colors it comes on. Usually used for special order styles.
  3. Show style/size/color if QOH available - Show one page for the style with size and color, if there is quantity on hand for the size and color. Usually used for styles sold out of stock.
  4. Show styles and styles/sizes/colors with QOH - Show one page for the style itself, and also show a page for each size and color if the quantity on hand is greater than zero. Often used if a style can be sold out of stock or special ordered.


Sub categories allows the store to further distinguish inventory styles which allows Sales by Category reports to total units sold and revenue to this level. Sub categories examples could be on a item property or price point. Example Bridal -> Aline or Bridal -> Range1 (Range1 example could be 300 to 500), Range2 could be 501 to 750 etc

Name... A name for the sub category

To add additional sub-categories simply begin typing into the empty sub-category text box.

Save button ... Click the SAVE button to permanently retain the all data entered, including sub-categories.

Cancel button .. Return to previous screen. Save work prior to clicking CANCEL otherwise edits will be lost.