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Extra Fees

The benefits of pre-entering fees are to reduce mistakes and save time during the selling of the style during checkout. Fees entered within the inventory form are specific to the inventory style from where the fee is created.

Fees may also be entered on the vendor form . Fees created on the Vendor form are Vendor & Category specific. These fees will be available for selection across all styles for the vendor/category the fees are created for on the Receipt/Ticket's Sales transaction editor.

Fees created on the Inventory style are Vendor, Category & STYLE specific. Style Extra Fees are only available on the Receipt/Ticket's Sales transaction editor only when the specific style the fee is assigned to is being sold.

Ad-Hoc fees may be typed in by the User when the inventory style is being sold to a customer as well.

The column fields of the Fee Grid are

Description ... A description of the fee. This will appear on sales Receipt/Ledgers and Purchase Orders when selected during the sale.

Cost ... The wholesale cost of the fee. What the vendor charges the store. This entry may be by an exact amount or a percentage. Example: 25 or 10%. If percentage is entered as the Fee cost, then the calculation is Inventory Style Cost X 10% and this result will be added to the ticket.

Price ... The retail price of the fee. What the store charges the customer. Prices are in whole numbers. This entry may be by an exact amount or a percentage. Example: 50 or 10%. If percentage is entered as the Fee price, then the calculation is the Item's ticket Selling Price X 10% and this result will be added to the ticket for the customer to pay.

Size ... Optional field data. Used in conjunction with the Autosize setting. Sizes can be entered as 18,20,22,24 or 18-24 (system will automatically expand to each size). When size values are entered on the Fee and the AutoSize setting is SizeMatch, then when a matching size is selected during a customer purchase, the system will auto default to the first matched AutoSize fee and he style's cost and price is increased during the sell.

AutoSize ... Optional field data. Options are No or SizeMatch. Used in conjunction with the SIZE values. If set to NO nothing automatically happens during a sale. The User may select the Extra Fee as other fees. If set to SizeMatch and Size has values, then during the sale if a size value matches the size being sold to customer and AutoMatch is enabled, then the Fee is automatically entered on the Extra Fee list of the sale and the customer is charged the selling price and the item's cost of sales goes up by the fee's cost.

Taxable checkbox ... Should the selected sales tax rate be applied to this fee at sale time.

Store Style ... Automatically completed using the style's Store Style Code that was assigned to the style when the Fee was created. If the style's Store Style Code is ever changed this fee would need to be deleted and recreated.

Vendor Name ... Automatically completed using the style's Vendor that was assigned to the style when the Fee was created. If the style Vendor is ever changed this fee would need to be deleted and recreated.

Category ... Automatically completed using the style's category that was assigned to the style when the Fee was created. If the style category is ever changed this fee would need to be deleted and recreated.

Tip: Fees when printed on a PRICE TAG for a country with Sales tax Inclusive pricing (Store VAT setting is on) will include the sales tax in the price.