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Color Charts

The use of Vendor Color charts is optional. But are a great way for a shop to become more organize and results in faster customer check-outs with fewer errors.

Vendor Color Charts is a module to allow the shop to enter the Vendor's colors and color swatch in the form of a online digital chart. One or more charts for any vendor may be created as needed. As styles are entered in Inventory, the shop would assign the proper chart to the vendor's merchandise.

When a Color chart is assigned to a inventory style, then when the style is sold, only colors entered within the chart may be selected during the sale. This is to eliminate the error of a clerk selecting an improper color during the sale.

A color chart is normally linked to the vendor, and a color chart can only be used on styles from that vendor. However, if a color chart is linked to the STORE vendor, then it can be used on styles from any vendor. This is essential to create/use common color charts on styles from different vendors.

Universal Color Charts
Normally, a color chart has a vendor linked to it. The color chart can only be used on styles from that vendor. However, if the vendor is STORE, then the color chart can be selected on any style.

Color Form Fields

Color chart Name ... A short name representing the fabric or code of the color chart

Description ... A long description describing the color chart and it's application

Grid Color ... A actual color name. The chart may have a unlimited number of color names.

Grid Color Hex Code .. The computer color hex code of the actual color. There are several techniques to acquire hex codes using Paint/Graphic programs. This is optional to have a hex code entered. clicking in the HEX code cell will provide a color picker where a hex code may be applied when the proper color is selected.

Grid Swatch color ... When a hex code is present the system will display the actual color it represents.

Grid Color Family ... Future feature

Note: Edits to a color chart will create a background job that will run periodically, timing depends on the jobs ahead of it. This job will create a upload/push to the eCommerce site of each style assigned the color chart, thus affected by the any data change within the chart.