BBL Picture Perfect Introduction

BBL Picture Perfect is cloud database containing data from vendor lines such as the official vendor style, size chart, color chart, imaging, and other data. It is updated from official vendor sources every few weeks.

It can be used to update your EverywhereBridal data with current images and pricing. Data are available from the top Special Occasion brands. The service is included in the monthly subscription of the system.

BBL Picture Perfect Image Service video

CREATE a new Inventory entry, type in the Vendor Style, upon pressing the ENTER key to leave the Vendor Style field, the system will attempt to locate a matching style in the image database.

If matching styles are located the system will display a selection grid of all matching styles, with Image, Vendor and Category. Select a Style within the grid and click Import. EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail will insert the image, vendor name, category and any other available information such as description will be automatically inserted into the style being added. Using the Retail Factor found in the shop's Vendor file for the selected Vendor, the system will compute Retail Price 1 and insert onto the style edit form.

If the shop utilizes eStyle eCommerce, and the shop has entered the eStyle Username and Password on the store setup, then size ranges, and colors available will be automatically inserted, if available.

Image Refresh function hyperlink ... This is located on the Style edit page. Click this link to force the BBL Picture Perfect© image lookup. If matching styles are located, the system will display a selection grid of all matching styles, with Image, Vendor and Category. Select a Style within the grid and EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail will insert the image into an empty URL 1 of the style plus update any missing data within the style when the data is available. See the BBL Picture Perfect- Update existing style section Help topic for more information.

Picture Perfect Bulk Inventory import ... Click for bulk import help topic