BBL Picture Perfect Bulk Import
Main -> Inventory -> Retail Inventory -> BBL Picture Perfect Bulk Import
BBL provides a image and style data service called BBL Picture Perfect. Data for BBL Picture Perfect is provided by eStyle/eFashion web Tier0 services and is included in EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail's monthly subscription.
eStyle offers enhanced data services for a fee. Their services provides an abundance of style information that is utilized to quickly & easily add new inventory for your store. This information includes size options, color options, description and thumbnail images. They also offer eCommerce sites that allow you to be up and running in a matter of hours, loaded with images, sizes and colors. Readies any store to become a online eCommerce juggernaut!
eStyle will optionally provides additional style information & services for a fee.
Start by selecting the vendor you wish to check.
Vendor ... Select a vendor. Only styles for that vendor will be shown.
Category ... Limit the styles displayed to a single merchandise category. The category list is filtered to valid categories for the selected vendor.
Style Year ... This is the year the style was uploaded to the data warehouse which should correspond closely to the season of the style.
Vendor Style ... Limit the display to a specific style. Enter the style to filter to.
Show only Styles not in Store Inventory (checkbox) ...
Checked this will show all styles available from the BBL Picture Perfect data warehouse that are not within the store's current inventory.
Not Checked, the system will display only those Picture Perfect styles styles that ARE in the shop's current inventory.
Enter the filters and click SEARCH. The following grid will appears with filter matches. There could be many matches and the grid may have several pages of style data.
To add the item to the shops inventory check the IMPORT checkbox for each style to add. Then click SAVE. If the style's vendor is not already a vendor in the shop's vendor list, then it's name will be added. The User should access the vendor and update it, such by adding account numbers, addresses, contacts and retail factor/markup percentages. Optionally add color and size charts.
This import process will create a inventory style entry for the shop's local inventory and copy over the available information from the data warehouse. This available data includes:
Store style will be automatically created and will be a sequential number
Size Chart
Color Charts
Image links 1-4
Retail Price: Retail Price 1 is updated when a Data Warehouse Reorder wholesale cost is greater than 0. The system will compute a Retail price using the Retail Factor for the style found on the shop's vendor entry. When the retail factor is not blank for the vendor & category, then the Retail 1 is set to the computed Retail price when the newly computed Retail price is higher than the currently entered Retail 1 price.
Wholesale Cost
Optionally for each Style in the grid the user can modify the displayed wholesale reorder cost and retail price. When the price and/or cost are entered, the entered values will be added to the inventory style.
A Retail price manually entered may be overwritten with a computed Retail Price when the computed Retail 1 price is higher, in which case the higher price will be inserted. The computed price is calculated using the entered reorder wholesale cost and the Retail Factor percentage found on the shop's Vendor entry for the category selected for import.
Also optionally, a Quantity on Hand (QOH) entry may be inserted on the created style. This QOH would be for a single sample owned by the store. To add the sample QOH complete the colors 1-3 as needed and size. On SAVE the system will automatically insert a QOH entry.
Colors and Sizes are validated against the Size chart and Color chart entered in the data warehouse for the style being imported. Hovering the mouse over the image will display a tool tip containing the valid sizes and color names for the style.
Updating existing Styles found in Inventory
When the Picture Perfect style selected for import already exists in the shop's inventory, only the store's style's missing data will be copied from the BBL Picture Perfect data Warehouse. if a data field is blank, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory.
Description - if blank, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory's style description
Vendor - if blank, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory's vendor field
Category - if blank, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory's category field
Attributes - if blank, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory's attributes
Size Chart - if blank, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory style/vendor color charts
Color Charts - if blank, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory's images fields
Image links 1-4
Retail Price - if 0, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory.
Reorder Wholesale Cost - if 0, the Data Warehouse current information is inserted into the store's local inventory's reorder cost. If the reorder cost from Data Warehouse is greater than the cost on the existing store style record, then update the reorder cost with the Data Warehouse reorder cost.
If the existing store's retail factor for the style is > 0, then compute a new retail price with the new reorder cost using the store's retail factor.
Retail Price 1 is updated when a Data Warehouse Reorder wholesale cost is greater than the cost on an existing shop's inventory style. The system will set the new higher Reorder cost then compute a Retail price using the Retail Factor for the style found on the shop's vendor entry. When the retail factor is not blank for the vendor & category, then the Retail 1 is set to the computed Retail price when the newly computed Retail price is higher than the currently entered Retail 1 price found on the shop's Inventory style.
The update will check for missing data within the store's inventory for the style(s) selected for update and prevents User edits to the local store's inventory styles from being overwritten/lost during a Picture Perfect Data Warehouse update.
To change existing style information such as cost or retail price after the Update inserts a Retail Price, it is recommended to use the inventory Bulk Data Editor when needed to edit many styles. Refer to the bulk editor topic for more information for information as how to use the editor.