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Acuity Scheduling

EverywhereBridal integrates with Acuity Scheduling as a replacement for the built-in appointment system.

When any appointments is booked via Acuity, the appointment details are used to create a Customer in EverywhereBridal. When the customer actually visits the store, you can use the already created customer to save time.

Getting started

Acuity requires that you have a Powerhouse account to use integrations.

  1. Sign up with Acuity and create an account.
  2. Set up with your appointment types and availability.
  3. You can also set it up to charge for appointments, that's set up under the Appointment Type on Acuity. This is optional.
  4. Once you have an Acuity account set up and you can book an appointment, you can set up the integration.

Once Acuity is set up, these steps will integrate it. You can also send us your Acuity logon details, we can connect to Acuity and set this up.

Setting up the Integration

  1. In EverywhereBridal, get an API key. Go to and if API Authentication Key is blank, click Generate a new API key.
  2. Highlight the key and copy it to the clipboard. Save it in notepad or word for later use.
  3. Log in Acuity
  4. On the menu, under Business Settings, choose Integrations.
  5. Choose API, then View Credentials.
  6. Copy the User ID and API key into the clipboard, and paste it into Notepad or Word for later use.
  7. Then, under Integrations find Webhooks. Click Edit

For the New Appointment Scheduled enter the following URL, and replace the placeholders with the previously copied values

ewbapikey with the API key
acuityuserid with the userid from acuity
acuityapikey with the apikey from acuity

Finally, click Save Settings.

Once that's done, you should be able to book a new appointment in Acuity, and after a few minutes you can search for the customer in EverywhereBridal.