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Home Page

Once a User logs into the system, this Home page will display. The options a User sees on the Home Page are determined by the User's Security level as defined on their User Profile page created by the System Owner, Operations Manager or Manager.

Please use the current version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari web browsers. Internet Explorer is no longer supported as of January 1, 2020.

The Home Page is comprised of three sections, as shown within the image here.

Section 1 - Administration

This administration section is always displayed to the User when they are logged in, no matter which form in the system is displayed in Section 3 - Content.

Section 1 contains information about the currently logged in session.

The hamburger icon is a toggle switch that will collapse or un-collapse the menu and most of section 1. Collapsing the menu provides the User the most screen space to show the forms and data of the system.

Date, time and account id are displayed.

The currently logged in User Name in a hyperlink format is displayed. By clicking the link a User page will appear whereby the User's password may be changed.

A Clock In or Clock Out hyperlink is shown for the current User. Clicking the link will log the User in or out depending on their login status.

A HOME hyper link is visible. Clicking it will always return the User to the Home Page.

A LOG OFF hyper link is visible. Clicking it will log the User out of the system and a log off should always be performed when the User walks away for the station so other Users may not impersonate them.

Language selection is available. Clicking the Language, the User may select their preferred language from the drop down of available system languages. Once selected the system will immediately translate all words to the selected language.

Users are assigned Sales Departments. The Department assigned will be displayed in this section. Managers may be able to change their department assigned. The selected sales department is automatically assigned to all new sales, payments and time clock entries.

For the Owner level User, a store selection will display ( only will be available for chain accounts, i.e. those with multiple store locations. The Owner user may switch between stores to see data and create sales transactions that are specific to the selected store.

Section 2 - Menu

The menu allows a User to move between the different available forms/reports/data of the system. When choosing a menu option the system will display the menu, report or data form selected. The browser URL will change to reflect the User's selection. Menu options seen is determined by the User's security level.

Advanced User tip: Urls may be bookmarked or copied to a computer desktop for instant access to that option or specific data form.

Section 3 - Content

The home page in this Content section may contain system alerts. Available alerts are controlled within the System Settings. Alerts provide good information and quick access to the alert data.

Once a menu option or URL is selected the form or report will be displayed within the content section.

The Question mark in top right corner of screen, when clicked will display the help system documentation.