Appointment Scheduling
Appointments-> Schedule Appointments
The Schedule Appointments form is where appointments are created. The user will be presented with a Calendar where open and created appointments time slots may be viewed graphically as an aid.
The user would first select the appointment type the customer is requesting an appointment for. The system will display all the current day's calendar by room, displaying previously set Appointments for the selected "appointment type" as well as available time blocks.
Move the Calendar to the requested date using it's navigation tools. (see video for examples)
Click on an available start time and the Appointment details form will appear. The user completes the form and saves it to commit the appointment. The Room will be auto assigned to the appointment based upon availability.
You can change the appointment date/time or room after the appointment has been scheduled. If the new date/time or room conflicts with another appointment, you will see a warning but it will let you update the appointment.
New Appointment Form Fields
These fields appear when an appointment is being created from within the Schedule Appointment form.
Appointment Status ... The current appointment status. This can be changed to any status.
Room ... The room the appointment is assigned to. This can be changed, but is recommended the default room is used.
Start & End times ... The start time & end time for the appointment. They may be modified, but when manually changed the appointment may be in conflict/overlap with another. Change with caution. You can see all appointments with their stat/end times in the Agenda view mode via the Appointment Dashboard.
Full Customer Name ... Customer name Budget ... If shopping, what is the budget eMail ... email address Phone ... phone number usually cell number. Address, City, State, Zip ... mailing address info Event Date ... if for an event, enter the event date
Sales Person / User ... The shop user who is assigned to work with the custom on this appointment Notes .. notes include things as designer, event type ..etc
On Edit Appointment additional fields
These are additional fields that are available for editing when the Appointment is edited. These are in addition to the create appointment fields.
Appointment Type ... The type of appointment assigned
Mail Button ... Displays an email editor where an Appointment template may be inserted and sent to the email address on the appointment.
Tip: Users who manually modify appointment types, start/end times or change Rooms appointments are assigned may be overlapping other appointments thus creating a conflict. Use the appointment report to identify overlapping appointments.
Appointments can be automatically added to a shop Google Calendar and also added to the assigned User's Google Calendar. See How to Integrate Appointments to Google Calendar FAQ for additional information.