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Clock In Out Authorization

Administration -> Setup -> Clock In Authorization

Please refer to the Time Clock help topic for details relating to General -> Time clock use.

This option ONLY APPEARS when the Store Owner with owner security level is logged into the system. Only one User can have the Owner security level.

IP Number

The Owner security level may optionally limit shop Manager and Clerk security level personnel's ability to 1) Log into the system and 2) Clock in and out, only from an authorize network, by entering an list of authorized wed IP numbers into this form.

This allows a Owner to control from where Manager & Clerk Users may access (login) the system to access data and to Clock in/out.

Every store network location is assigned a public internet IP number from your internet service provider (ISP). Sometimes your number may randomly change. This number changing can be stopped by requesting a "static" ip number from your ISP.

This IP Number authorization feature will only provide User's the ability to login/clock in or out from a device on the store's local network.

This authorization is optional, and without authorizing a site's network, a User may clock in or out from any network location inside or outside of the shop.

When a site's network is authorized Users cannot Login or Clock in or out from their mobile service providers internet network as well, since the mobile network is not part of the store's network. Mobile phone users would have to access the store's wireless network to become a member of the store's network before they could login or clock in / out.

Multiple store networks may be authorized, for those with more than one store network location. Simply enter the IP number of each location and click the Authorize button.

To authorize a shop network simply access the menu option. Enter your location's IP number. If not known visit from any browser to see it. Copy the IP number and enter it into the IP Address field. Click the Authorize this site for clock in/out.

The scenario exists where the store's internet IP number can be changed by your ISP and thus disable the ability for users to clock in/out. The Owner would have to visit this Authorization option and re-authorize the new store's IP address to turn reactivate.

The Owner User or Operations Manager users may allow exemptions to the IP authorization rule. For example maybe key managers need access from out-of-store locations on a permanent or temporary basis. For each User to exempt, visit their Administration - Users - Manage User profile and un-check the Can only log in from IP allowed for clock in (his prompt is ONLY visible for Manager and Clerk level users.