Administration -> Manage Labels
The EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail allows small size Labels, Tags & full page sheets to be printed for Inventory styles, Fittings and customer Pickup/layaway items.
The system comes with a standard set of system tags/labels which may be used. Standard system tags & labels may not be modified. However with the Manage Labels option custom tags and labels may be created. Standard tag/labels are not replaced by any custom tag/labels created. Custom Tag/Labels are added to the tag/label list for selection.
For small single tags or label printing utilizes the Zebra ZPL/ELP printer languages. For full sheet documents HTML markup language is used.
Documents may be created for price tags, Pickup / Lay-a-way tags, Event Labels, Fittings.
The system is designed to work well with the most popular thermal printer brand, Zebra Technologies. Any model in their line that supports their ZPL tag format language will work well. The most cost effective models in their lineup are are the GC420d and GX420d.
The system offers select merge codes that can be inserted into the label/tag definition and these codes will be replaced with the system values of the item being printed. A list of merge codes for reference are found later in this topic.
ZPL/EPL Instructions
Some talented coders could manually type the label/tag definitions into a text editor, then copy the code into this Manage Labels form, however most users are not talented coders. For these folks Zebra offers a FREE program called the Zebra Designer that allows for a WYSIWYG layout of the tag/label. Output the designed label to a text file then copy the resulting code into the system on this form. Zebra Designer download - click this link.
Example: 4w" x 2H" Tag/Label definition with merge codes
This looks complicated, but with the ZebraDesigner software the actual creation of the label is relatively simple. ZDesigner runs only on a Windows PC.
The process is to install the appropriate ZPL driver for your Zebra printer. Install the zDesigner software, select the driver, design the tag/label in zDesigner, print to file, edit file with text editor for correcting merge codes as necessary, copy text file contents and paste into the EB ZPL/EPL label form. Test print and repeat as necessary to get the tag/label formatted as needed.
Example output of the Label Designer software. This data would be copied into the Manage labels form under EPL or ZPL. ZPL is preferred;
^FT575,137^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD#CLR{length: 10}CLR#^FS
^FT575,163^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD#CLR2{length: 10}CLR2#^FS
^FT576,193^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD#CLR3{length: 10}CLR3#^FS
^FT483,87^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDSize: ^FS
^FT481,193^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD#CLA3{length: 6}CLA3#: ^FS
^FT482,164^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD#CLA2{length: 6}CLA2#: ^FS
^FT20,283^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD#CMT{length: 80}CMT#^FS
^FT481,137^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD#CLA1{length: 6}CLA1#: ^FS
^FT399,250^A0N,62,38^FH\^FD#P1{format: "c2"}P1#^FS
^FT548,98^A0N,62,38^FH\^FD#SIZ{length: 5}SIZ#^FS
Use the free Labelary viewer to test the layout of your creation, by copying the tag/label definition to it for a quick view.
Note: BBL provides custom tag creation services for a reasonable fee. Please draw the tag layout and information desired on the tag/label, send to eMail or Fax to BBL for a quote.
HTML Full Page Instructions
Start the file with this code being on the first line: . The remaining code is pure HTML that may be created within an HTML editor (such as is found within this everywhereRetail at Administration-> Templates -> eMail. This works for both ZPL & EPL settings.
Here is an example Pickup Label
<p><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="80" /></p>
<h2><strong> #ENM{}ENM# </strong><strong>#EDT{}EDT#</strong></h2>
<hr />
<h1 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Measurements at Sale Time</strong></h1>
<hr />
<table style="width: 709px; height: 112px;">
<tr style="height: 61px;">
<td style="width: 373px; height: 61px;">
<h2><strong>Bust : #MBT{}MBT#</strong></h2>
<td style="width: 320px; height: 61px;">
<h2><strong>Waist: #MW{}MW#</strong></h2>
<tr style="height: 65.4219px;">
<td style="width: 373px; height: 65.4219px;">
<h2><strong>Hip: #MHP{}MHP#</strong> </h2>
<td style="width: 320px; height: 65.4219px;">
<h2><strong>Height: #MH{}MH#</strong></h2>
<h2> Item ID: #SID{}SID#</h2>
<h2> </h2>
<hr />
<h2><strong>Vendor Style: #VS{}VS#</strong></h2>
<table style="width: 657px;">
<td style="width: 71px;">
<h2><strong>Color: </strong></h2>
<td style="width: 245px;">
<h2><strong>#CLR{}CLR# </strong></h2>
<td style="width: 74px;">
<td style="width: 249px;">
<h2><strong>#SIZ{}SIZ#</strong> </h2>
<hr />
<h1 style="text-align: center;"> Custom Fitting</h1>
<hr />
<p> </p>
<table style="width: 692px;">
<td style="width: 310px;"> Date of Fitting: </td>
<td style="width: 372px; text-align: right;">Seamtress Assigned ___________ </td>
<p> </p>
<td>Height with Shoe:</td>
<p> Comments: ____________________________________________________________</p>
<p>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Tear Line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</p>
<p>I have inspected this merchandise and I'm taking it satisfied with it's condition</p>
<table style="width: 559px;">
<td style="width: 440px;"> Signature </td>
<td style="width: 107px;"> Date </td>
This is what it looks like when printed:
Merge Code Reference
Merge Code Format (Zebra [ZPL] or HTML full page template)
#CODE{parameter}CODE# , i.e. #P1{format: "c2"}P1# or #CLR{length: 10}CLR#
price format command c2 means print 2 decimal places
A merge code entry with no format parameters would look like: #baddr1{}baddr1#
ZPL/EPL Label Bar-Codes are created by the Zebra printer during print time. When this merge code is used a bar-code of the QOH bar-code field is printed on the tag in the symbology defined by the tag definition. It will be a 3of9 or a i2of5. -BAR{}BAR- for EPL/ZPL Zebra printer language.
HTML document bar-code printing works by inserting a URL with bar-code printing definitions.
replace data= value (00000007) with the desired data or merge code to convert to 3 of 9, don't need the * since this 3of9 character is inserted automatically into the bar-code. This function returns a image of the 3of9 bar-code which may be handled via standard HTML image syntax/tags. Example:
<img src="" width="20%"/>
which always prints the barcode for 0000007, or
<img src="{}SID#&includetext=true" width="20%"/>
which prints a pickup inventory sale ID for scanning.
Prints Label logo on ZPL tags
Label logo is saved in System Setup
Merge code: IMG
where as Left = 60px, Top = 50px and Image Height = 164px
Merge Code Parameters
Length for text forcing a number of characters - Length:10 Format for prices - c1,c2,c3,c4 representing number of decimal places format: "c2" for two places.
Examples using parameters are:
Merge Codes for Retail Inventory Price Tag/Labels
Applies when printing tags for a QOH entry
QOH Color: CLR
QOH Color 2: CLR2
QOH Color 3: CLR3
QOH Color label 1: CLA1
If color label 1 value is empty it will be replaced with text Color1 QOH Color label 2: CLA2
If color label 2 value is empty it will be replaced with text Color2 QOH Color label 3: CLA3
If color label 3 value is empty it will be replaced with text Color3
QOH Barcode value: -BAR{}BAR-
QOH UPC Code value: #UPC{}UPC#
QOH comments: QCMT
Store location: QLOC
Received date/time: QREC
Quantity on Hand (whole number): QQOH
Retail Inventory Style header merge data
Merge Codes for Retail Inventory data that may be included on price tags and transfer documents.
Store Style: SS
Vendor Style: VS
Last received date: LRD
Sizes Available: SZA
Color 1 size chart available: CA1
Color 2 size chart available: CA2
Color 3 size chart available: CA3
first 40 characters of notes wrapped: CMT
Vendor Code (not name): VCD
Store logo: LOGO
Fee description 1: FE1
Fee Price 1: FP1
Fee description 2: FE2
Fee Price 2: FP2
Fee description 3:: FE3
Fee Price 3: FP3
Fee description 4: FE4
Fee Price 4: FP4
Fee description 5: FE5
Fee Price 5: FP5
Price 1: P1 This price includes any extra charges that are automatically added. The price merge code must be contain a format code c2. For example: #P1{format: "c2"}P1#
Price 2: P2
Notes: NTS
Stored Image in image field 1 sized 800x600: IMG1 or small thumbnail size: IMG1T
Stored Image in image field 2 sized 800x600: IMG2 or small thumbnail size IMG2T
Stored Image in image field 3 sized 800x600: IMG3 or small thumbnail size: IMG3T
Stored Image in image field 4 sized 800x600: IMG4 or small thumbnail size: IMG4T
example (no parameters required: #IMG1{}IMG1#
Pickup tag/Label merge codes
Merge code for Layaway / Pickup items printed from ticket sales transaction or Pickup grid
Store: STR
Sale ID: SID (Use this merge code for Pickup merchandise bar-code)
Event Name: ENM
Event Date: EDT
Customer Name: CNM
Customer Email: CEM
Customer Phone: CPH
Customer: CID
Measured By: MBY
Bust: MBT
Hip: MHP
Waist: MW
Height: MH
Date received if ordered or date sold if sold from stock: DRVC
MeasurecWeight: CWGT
MeasurementHeightWithShoes: MHWS
MeasurecShoeSize: MSS
MeasureFNormalDress: MFND
MeasureFOverbust: MFOB
MeasureFRibcage: MRC
MeasureFWaisttoFloor: FWF
MeasureFHollowtohem: FHH
MeasureFHipHigh: FHIPH
MeasureFHipLow: FHIPL
MeasureFHollowtoWaist: FHOW
MeasureFNapetoWaist: FNTW
MeasureMCoatSize: MCOT
MeasureMPant: MPNT
MeasureMChestSize: MCHST
MeasureMOverarm: MOARM
MeasureMwaist: MWST
MeasureMinseam: MINS
MeasureMoutseam: MOUTS
MeasureMshirtSize: MSHRT
MeasureMneckSize: NNCK
MeasureMsleeveLength: MSLV
Item Description, comes from inventory: PUDES
Fitting Ticket Merge Codes
Merge codes for Fitting (Alteration) ticket labels/documents printed from Fitting ticket form.
Customer name: CNM
Event date: ED
Store Style: SS
Vendor Style: VS
Size: SZ
Color1: CLR1
Color2: CLR2
Color3: CLR3
Seamstress Assigned: SEAM
Fitting ID: FID
Fitting description: FDESC
Next fit date: NFDATE
Last Total Fee: LFEE
Event Label Merge Codes
Event Label/HTML merge codes for Event recap printed from Event form.
Bride First Name + Bride Last ): bname
Groom First name + Groom Last Name: gname
Bride Address1: baddr1
Bride Address2: baddr2
Bride city: bcity
Bride zip code: bzip
Bride primary phone: bphone
Source type: source
bride's email: bemail
event date: evdate
Source types: source
event comments for HTML: evcomm
event comments for use in Zebra EPL/ZPL labels: zplcomm
The ZPLCOMM merge code differs from other data variables because notes/comments may have multiple lines of text whereas other fields have only 1 line of text. This requires a special code for the zebra that is not available in the FREE version of the Zdesigner software and that is the ^FB command. below is an example of a line that would properly print the multiline comments, When printing onto a small label the notes will print to the maximum label length, in most cases 4 to 10 lines of text.
Event's responsible SA: respsa
Rental SA: rentsa
Event name: evname
Primary Role name (if empty Bride): prirole
Secondary role name (if empty Groom): secrole
Example HTML for printing to a Sheet of paper from a laser or inkjet printer.
<p><strong>Event Recap</strong></p>
<p><strong>Bridename:</strong> #bname{}bname# <strong>Groom Name: </strong>#gname{}gname#<br />
<strong>Address1: </strong>#baddr1{}baddr1#<br />
<strong>address2:</strong> #baddr2{}baddr2#<br />
<strong>city:</strong> #bcity{}bcity# <strong>state:</strong> #bstate{}bstate# <strong>zip:</strong> #bzip{}bzip#<br />
<strong>Phone:</strong> #bphone{}bphone# <strong>Email:</strong> #bemail{}bemail# <br />
<strong>Event date:</strong> #evdate{}evdate# <strong>Event name:</strong> #evname{}evname#<br />
<strong>PriRole:</strong> #prirole{}prirole# <strong>SecRole: </strong>#secrole{}secrole#<br />
<strong>SA:</strong> #respsa{}respsa# <strong>Rental SA:</strong> #rentsa{}rentsa#<br />
<strong>Source: </strong>#source{}source</p>
<hr />
<p><br />
<strong>Comments:</strong> #evcomm{}evcomm#</p>
Example ZPL Label for Zebra type printer, 3x3.75" label size
^FT11,59^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDGroom Name:^FS
^FT429,121^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD#bzip{}bzip# ^FS
^FT86,147^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD #bphone{}bphone#^FS
^FT5,177^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD email:^FS
^FT88,177^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD#bemail{}bemail# ^FS
^FT12,209^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDEvent ^FS
^FT81,209^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD#evdate{}evdate# ^FS
^FT390,211^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD#source{}source# ^FS
^FT65,237^A0N,23,19^FH\^FD#respsa{}respsa# ^FS
^FT235,237^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDRental SA^FS
^FT334,236^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD #rentsa{}rentsa# ^FS
^FT10,265^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDEvent name:^FS
^FT141,263^A0N,22,24^FH\^FD#evname{}evname# ^FS
^FT429,261^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD#prirole{}prirole# ^FS
Example ZPL label